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Logan says goodbye to us and kisses Opal on the cheek and heads off to play football.... or basketball.... or whatever he plays at activity. She drags me and Carleigh away from Jenna and she goes off to flirt with Brody. Yeah, yeah, she does like Brody, but I support her in that! Don't judge me! I'm brought out of my thoughts by Opal saying, "You stay away from my Logan. Got it?!" She whisper-yells. Carleigh nods rapidly with big eyes, terrified. "Whatever" I say nonchalantly. She growls and walks away putting a smile on her face, I assume to go stalk her 'boyfriend'. She smiles at him, but he ignores her, looks at Carleigh, and smiles at her. She blushes and smiles back. I smirk and start to walk away. "Wait!" She exclaims power walking to catch up with me. Jenna joins us once again, and the rest of activity was pretty uneventful.


The bell rings for activity to end and for us to go inside for lunch. Carleigh, Jenna, and I basically sprint to go inside. We stop at the door and we are shortly joined by kids such as Kendal and Jacob. Kendal starts throwing his football against the wall, "Carleigh, don't get hit in the head." I say patting her shoulder laughing slightly, although sometimes I'm genuinely concerned for her. "I'll try," she says covering her head. "Is it raining Carleigh?" "No she's protecting her head from Kendal's football." I say while Carleigh nods. Mrs. Bauer opens the door and organizes students by class into Jacobs and her class (Bauer obviously). We go inside first and I meet up with Logan in the lunch line.

He continues to go on and on about how nice Carleigh is and how beautiful she is. "Someone's got a crush?" I say exaggerating 'crush'. "You are to NEVER tell Opal, alright?" "Yes!" I almost scream. "Fine, yes I like Carleigh." I laugh my witch like fangirl laugh. He just shakes his head. We get our food then go our separate ways as for where we sit at lunch. "Wazzup my people." I say sitting down in my 'designated spot'. I see Shawn is sitting across from me. "Heyo." I say to him. "Hey" he says. We eat our lunch, and that was pretty uneventful as well. Well... except for this one part.

~Idk why I'm doing this but I feel it's necessary~

"So, who does everyone like?" Shawn asks out of nowhere. "Lahna likes Kendal." Carleigh says. "Carleigh likes Logan (and you), but refuses to admit it. "Oh yeah, Opal's boyfriend, I'm not a big fan of him. They wouldn't be good together." He says somewhat defensively. I wiggle my eyebrows and say, "Defensive much? But opposites attract anyways." I say exaggerating and trailing off at 'anyways'. "So who do you like Shawn?" "U-uhm I like-"

Shoot! Our table begins to be dismissed which disturbs my thoughts before I complete the flashback, thought, thing... I stand up with my trash and throw it into the trash can. We line up at the cafeteria door and walk out into the main hallway and back to class. We enter the classroom and we have to go to homeroom for PAW time this week, then next week we go to a PAW time selected for us by what we want the most. Anyways I just move my stuff to my seat for homeroom seeing as Mrs.Bauer is my homeroom. Carleigh, Logan, Shawn, Jenna, Kendal, and everyone else but Jacob and...... Opal leave the room. Guess Opal's in my homeroom now. Great!

A/N I thought I would go ahead and update so any of the few people who read this can spend time with their families tomorrow, including myself. Anyways, happy early thanksgiving!

-Llama~Chan <3

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