Morning Problems

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Liam' POV 

Where am I? Everything was white.

"Is this heaven?!" I shouted.

"Haha no this not heaven." A voice laughed. "Whats your name?"

I didnt know if I should trust this voice or not.

"Ummm my name is Terrrrrrance."

"Ok well then hello Liam. First of all, no this is not heaven. This is kinda like a dream like thing. When someone is-"

"Wait. Did you say Liam?"

"Yes I did. That is your name right?"

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Well Im just here to encourage you to do everything you can to wake up. Your friends are worried sick."

"Of course. Wait what friends?"


"Hello?!Ugh nevermind." I fell asleep.

Niall's POV

"I SMELL FOOD!!!" I screamed when i woke up.

"GET YOUR BUTT HERE AND THEN YOU'LL GET YOUR FOOD!!!" Someone screamed. I think that was Louis.

I ran downstairs. There was flour everywhere but there was also a stack of pancakes. I ran forward and started chomping on the pancakes.

"Hurry up Nialler!!! We have to go see Kylie!!!!!" Louis yelled. He was an impatient lad.

"Okok Im done.Leggo." We all dashed to Harry's Audi and jumped in. Harry pressed on the pedal and off we went. I was surprised that we didnt get pulled over by the police. When we arrived at the hospital, we all climbed out then dashed to Kylie's room.

"Hello boys."

"Vas happenin Kylie?!"

She laughed then moaned. "Do you guys wanna know why Liam is in a worse condition than me?"

We all looked confused but nodded our heads. She began to speak.

"Right after balloon popped, Liam said that he would protect me, no matter what. Then the balloon started to shake and we were both thrown overboard along with everything else. We were diving down towards a farm area. Ther was a large pile of clean hay. Liam must have noticed because he pushed me in that direction. I didnt land directly in the middle of the hay. My head was on the hay but my body wasnt which caused the broken ribs. I closed my eyes and prayed that Liam was ok. Then after a while, I saw bright lights then I think I fell asleep or something or had an injection."

She took a deep breath before she continued. "Im pretty sure you guys know the rest. And Im sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Harry asked.

"I should have pulled Liam with me. He was a bit out of my reach but I still should have pulled him onto the hay with me. And for that, Im sorry."

"Kylie, its not your fault." Louis said, trying to comfort Kylie who was crying uncontrollably. Just then, the doctor walked in.

"Hello. This morning, Liam twitched is hand a little. That is a sign that he should be ok. If you talk to him, he should hear you but he has no idea who you guys are. He will, most likely, remember his family but thats it. I have other patients to tend to so have a good day kids."

"Thanks Doc." He left the room.

"Can I leave yet?" Kylie asked.

"No." I answered. "Its Wednesday. You can leave tomorrow."

"Its going to be so boring without you guys." She groaned.

"What makes you think that we're leaving?" Zayn said. She looked at us.

"Dont you guys have a signing?" She asked. "Im starting to think that Im the only person that remembers these stuff."

I looked at the other boys. Then Kylie spoke.

"You guys have 30 minutes by the way." I widened my eyes. WTH?!

"Crap!! WE GOTTA GO BOYS!!!" Louis yelled then dashed out the door after giving Kylie a hug.

"Bye Kylie!" Harry yelled then ran out the door.

"Gotta go! We'll be back!"

"Bye Kylie. We'll be back soon." I gave her a hug then ran to the car.

"Bye boys!" She yelled after us.

Harry's POV

The signing was great. Thankfully, none of the fans fainted. We also recieved lots of presents but most gifts were get better presents for Liam and Kylie. Then we started going back to hospital.

That wasnt the best chapter but I had absolutely no ideas. But anyways, I'll update soon!

Emily xxx

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