The Hunt

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Kylie's POV

The next day, we were all a bit distant from each other. The disappearance of Kendall, Carlos, Logan and James were fresh in our minds. We've gotten very close to them in the past couple of months. So right now, the girls and I are in my room sulking over ice cream and movies. Then came a knock on the door.

"Come in." I called. Whoever it was opened the door.

"Kylie?" I turned my head towards the door when I was about to eat a mouthfull of ice cream and there was Liam giving daggers to the spoon. I giggled then placed the spoon back in the bucket and hopped off the bed to join Liam at the door.

"What's up?" I asked dully.

"Well I wanted to take you out on a date without almost getting killed." He said cheerfully. I laughed. He sure was something.

"Sounds like fun! When?" I asked.

He grabbed my wrist softly. "Now!" He cheered then pulled me away. I burst out laughing at his sudden childness.

"Liam! At least let me change first!"

He groaned but still stopped. "Wear something casual." He grumbled. I kissed his cheek then ran to my bedroom. I quickly changed into a outfit then sped back to Liam.

"Ready now?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Then let's go."

"Where are we going?" I asked. Liam stopped walking then pulled out a piece of fabric then used it to cover my eyes. "Uhh Liam." I felt him slip a piece of paper in to my hand. "Liam?"

"Take the blindfold off." A voice said. Uhhh I really don't think that's Liam... I lift my hand cautiously to the blinfold and take it off. When I do, I saw someone I didn't expect to see anytime soon.

"Alyssa? That's your name right?" I asked in disbelief.

"That's me! Nice to meet you again!" Alyssa smiled. "Niall wanted to see me again so he asked permission from my parents to fly me in so here I am. Anyways, Liam needed ideas so I gave him this idea. Well anyways... what was I supposed to say again? Hmm oh yeah. 'follow the clues.' yeah soemthing like that. I can't really remember. But just follow your clues. The first one is in your hand."

I had almost forgotten about that piece of paper in my hand. I looked down at the paper in my right hand.

'You ready? Hope you enjoy this hunt!

The first clue of yours will be found at a store, 

To be specific a place that is warm, 

I know you found this place a bit of a bore, 

And when you get there there will be a bit of a swarm.'

"A store that is warm? And a bore? And why would there be a swarm? Do you have any idea where that is?" I asked Alyssa. She shrugged.

"Beats me. Just think about it." Alyssa suggested.

"I got that part." I laughed. She laughed too.

"Well I better get going." I smiled. "Nice seeing you again Alyssa."

"See you later Kylie. Good luck." She bids farewell then heads off down the street. I looked around me. A store... there's about three stores nearby. Warm. That takes out one store. A bore. Oh that reminds of one time...


"Liam! I don't wanna go shopping!" I whined. He laughed and shook his head.

"Let's go Kylie. I don't like going alone. Louis won't go, Zayn won't go, Harry won't go and Niall wants to go but who would let him. Please Kylie?"

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