Chapter 5

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The dinner went well. All of them are shocked when they saw Robert arrived and caused a confusion to everyone but of course Kristen explained it right away because it seems that Robert is still a bit awkward.

Kristen's POV:

I'm glad that the dinner went well. It's so great to be with my friends again and the not so planned reunion with Rob. That's a bit crazy because everyone except Cj and Suzie thinks that Rob and I were back together after they know that Rob and Thalia broke up, well let's not make things complicated, we are friends and that's it.

I do love to host dinners like this but what I hate is doing the dishes after every dinner or party that I host. Actually they offer to help me to do the dishes but I insist that I can manage because it's already pretty late.

20 minutes of doing all the dishes I badly need to take a shower before I go to sleep.

I take off my clothes and let the warm water run through my body. The warm water relaxes my whole body and it feels so good. After I took a shower I change to my night wear and finally I can now indulge my bed.

Just right after I close the light someone with an unknown number texted me and as I open the message I realized that it was Rob

"Hey Kris, I know it's pretty late and maybe you are preparing to sleep now. Okay, I just want to thank you for inviting me, I don't even realize how much I miss the gang until I saw them. Goodnight and take a good rest. " -Rob

I planned not to reply. Not to be mean but I am too tired and my eyes are killing me. But right after I put my phone on my side table, again my phone buzzed and I check what was it. Again it was a text from Rob.

"And I also miss your cooking." -Rob

And that message killed me. I better go to sleep before anything else happens. But honestly I miss Rob. I miss everything single thing about him. But remember what I've said a while ago, Let's not make it complicated, we are friends.

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