Chapter 7

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After Kristen and Robert enjoyed their lunch, they decided to go to the vet and get the dogs vaccine shots done and go get Kristen's stuff that she needed for her house.

"I am fucking so tired" Kristen said as she stretches her arms.

"Yeah me too. Maybe let's go grab some snack or let's have a dinner instead, it's 6:30 anyway" Rob suggested

"Yeah that's a good idea, but we can't grab a dinner here downtown"


"The dogs, we can't eat here together with 3 dogs with us"

"Right, sorry I totally forgot the dogs. So what's your plan?"

"Let's go at my house and I'll cook us dinner"

"Lunch and dinner is on you. I promise next time let's get some dinner and it's in me." Rob laugh

The two of them arrived at Kristen's house and they both enjoy preparing their food for that night.

After their dinner, they dicided to watch a movie.

"You want a beer?"

"Yeah sure. Thanks!"

They watch two comedy movies and laugh like their is no tomorrow. Kristen then realized that this one this time is what she needed after bombarding herself working.

"Hey Kris, you know what? I missed this." Rob said out of nowhere

"Miss what?"

"This. Movie, laughing out loud, doing nothing. I miss you"

"You're drunk" Kristen laugh

"It's just a beer. I'm serious, I'm not drunk"

"Really Rob? 8 cans of beer? You're not drunk? 6 shots of whiskey? You're not drunk?" Kristen ask sarcastically

"That. I miss that too. Your being sarcastic, bossy, that's cute"

"Rob stop it" Kris is now a lil bit nervous on what is happening to Rob.

Before Kristen says another word, Rob's lips is at her lips already. Kristen is shock on what was happening but she herself can't resist it.

Everything went clear to Kristen that she really love Robert, that she never stop loving Rob but she don't want to ruin everything, she don't want to make things complicated again. She can't afford losing Rob again now that he is back even if it just a friend. She doesn't want to risk that.

As their kiss deepens, Robs hands starts to travel on Kristen's body leaving Kristen to want more but her thoughts making her want to stop.

"Wait Rob. We can't do this. I don't want to make things complicated." Kristen push Rob

"Hey Kris, I know you are scared. I want you to know that I love you, that i never stop loving, that I just only forget the love that I have to you. Things happen in the past and we know that we can't change that, I will admit that back then I hated you so much doing that but then as time goes by, as all the pains fades away I realized that I don't hate you yourself I hated the bad decision that you did and that's all. My live is still their, I just fogot."

Kristen is speechless about the things that Rob just said. She can't a word to describe all the feelings that she's having right now. She just cry and hug Rob saying the word "I'm so sorry" repeatedly

"Shhh. Kris look at me, I know you still feel guilty about our past but the point is it's already past, let's just use that past to serve as a lesson to both us. I love you Kris, remember that"

"Can you forgive me"

"I already did. Long long time ago"

"Thank you Rob. Thank you. I love you so much." Kristen says as she hug Rob so tight. She lean back again to see Robs face. "But I don't want to risk this, you're back in my life even if it just a friend, I don't want to lose you, I can't afford to lose you"

"Please stop crying. I told you already, everything in the past is in the past. I know that this is so hard for you, for the both of us but don't you want to think that at the end of the day, taking a risk this time will be all worth it, as long as we love each other, we can get through this, our love is enough to make everything work. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you too. Let's get this one right. I want you to be part of my life. I want you forever.  " Rod said and he kiss Kristen's eyes

Kristen smile on what Rob said and just did.

"I don't know what have I done right to deserve this, to deserve you. I love you so much and I miss you" Kristen said

"So maybe we continue what you've just interrupted" Rob wink

"Is that what you really want Rob? You've said all those words because you want to get laid tonight? Is that it? Huh?!" Krist said furiously and Rob is a lit bit shock.

"No, no. Of course not. Don't see ut that way. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I don't want you to think that." Rob apologetically said

Kristen laugh so hard making Rob left stunned and don't know what to react.

"Im messing with you Rob. Don't be so serious. Your reaction is priceless" Kristen said as she continue to laugh but Rob do his first move. He kiss Kristen with si much fashion and hunger making Kristen stop laughing and start to kiss Robert back.

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