Chapter 11

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It's been almost 3 months since Kristen and Robert moved in to their love nest. Their friends are not surprised about their news that they are back together because the way they talk and see each other's eyes when Kristen host a dinner, they can see that both of them still love each other, that the magic is still their.

Both Kristen and Robert are genuinely happy to be together again. They both work hard for their relationship. They really want to make this time happen.

7 am in the morning, Robert is currently watching in the living wearing only his boxers with his both feet on the center table and a bowl full of popcorn on his chest.

Kristen walk by and saw Rob in the living room.

"Hey babe?" Kristen shouted

"Yeah?" Robert

"Please put your shirt on. It's cold in here." Kristen shouted because she is in the kitchen grabbing some drinks

"Yeah sure. Later, after this one." Robert answer talking about the movie that he is watching.

Kristen just sighed on Roberts reply, she decided to go upstairs and get a shirt for Rob because she know that his "later" will surely means tomorrow or probably never.

Kristen headed down stairs and got back to the kitchen to grab the drinks before she joined Rob on their living.

"Here. Put on a shirt. You'll get sick, it's too cold." Kristen said as she hand the shirt to Robert

"Oh love, you didn't have to get this for me but Thank you." Robert het the shirt and put it on

"I repeat, it's too cold and I don't want you to get sick and I know that your "later" doesn't literally later" -Kristen

"Thank you, Love. Come join me. Let's cuddle while watching this one."

Robert and Kristen watch 3 movies in a row while Kristen's head is on his chest and her arms were wrapped around his waist. Kristen smile as Rob constantly kissing her head and saying I Love You.

Robert is a little weirded out when he saw what was Kristen is eating.

"Hey Love what are you eating?"

"Pickles, you want one?"

"Pickles with ketchup?"

"It's good, try it."

Robert is a little bit hesitant about the pickles with ketchup. "Seriously?"He said at the back of her mind.

"Uhhmm may be just the pickles alone?"

"Trust me babe, it's good. I just accidentally drop the pickles in my plate with a ketchup a while ago and it's great. Promise you'll love it." Kristen insisted amd Rob can't say no but too bad for Rob, it taste disgusting.

"Love, that's disgusting." Rob said

"No it's not, you really have a bad taste when in terms of food." Kristen said as she continue to eat her pickles with ketchup.

After Kristen finish her pickles she jolted out from Robert's arms and run fast as she can to the bathroom to empty her stomach, she vomit all the food she ate.

Robert go after her and he saw Kristen struggling in the toilet vomiting all that she ate.

"Love? Are you alright?" Rob ask worrying

"You don't have to see this. Just wait me their okay?" Kristen answered but Rob didn't follow what Kristen told him instead he go get a towel and hand it to Kristen and he tucked her hair at the back of her ears and kiss her forehead.

"It must be the pickles. Honestly it's weird. Pickles with ketchup?" Rob said while still worried

"Yeah I know. I don't even understand why it tastes so good to me even if it looks so weird."

"Your weird" Rob said and they both laugh. "Are you okay now?"

"Yes I am okay. It really must be the pickles. Maybe I'll better take a shower."

"Sure. Call me if you need me. I'm just right in the living room. Don't ever eat pickles with ketchup again." Rob laugh and headed to the living room

After Kristen took her shower, her feeling became worst. She continue to vomit and she feel a litle bit dizzy so she decided to take a nap instead. Rob is now worried why Kristen did nit came back to join him so he decided to check on her.

As Rob enter their room, he saw Kristen curled up in a ball fast asleep in their bed. He is so worried on what she is feeling. It seems that she is not okay. Rob were dying to ask her but he doesn't want to wale her up so he decided to join Kristen in their bed. Rod kiss Kristen's head after he hug her and join her to sleep.

Robert awoken when Kristen suddenly tun through the bathroom and again started to vomit. Rob is much more worried this time.

"Love are you alright? Maybe lets go see a doctor. I'm so worried about you. You look so pale already."

"Thank you but I'm fine. Don't worry." Kristen said

"Love, please. You look tried. Just do this for me. Please?" Rob begged

"Okay, just give me a minute. I just wash my mouth."

"Thank you. I'll wait you outside."

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