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August' POV

A'ight so it's Christmas Eve and The whole ' gang ' at my place cause I'm having a lil get together. Right now we just watching movies , all the couples together. I see Aria and Chris all on each other and I'm not liking it. I don't know what's wrong with me but oh well.

It was 10:59 and Aria called Brandon cause Chris left and she had no way home. I wasn't about to take her home I was already showered and in my basket ball shorts and a plain white T.

" Come on August take me home. "

" Aria , you need a job. You should've told Chris to take you home before he left. "

" I wasn't ready to go , come on August"

" Man get yo ass in the car. "

She get on my damn nerves.

In the car

" you know I love you "

" Whatever , "

"Aye say it back "

" I love you too "

" August I wasn't talking to you I was on the phone "

" Oh Forreal ? that's how you gonna do me "

" I was playing calm tf down. "

Christmas Day

Aria's POV

I woke up at like 12:30 and I went and took a shower. Brandon was gone he went with his lil bitch Rain. They been going out for like 4 months and she always taking up his time. I barely spend time with him.

I forgot it was Christmas until I saw the tree down stairs. I opened some shit , I got some shoes from August and Chris and August bought me a Diamond Tennis Bracelet. Brandon bought me a damn recipe book. Wow.

Chris told me he wanted to see me so he was gonna come pick me up ( outfit in Multimedia ) we went to Olive Garden. He ended up giving me a Promise ring , which was really sweet and beautiful. It was around 3:21 and August told me his mom wanted me at the Christmas dinner so I changed I was wearing a Black dress with a cross body back with Red heels. I haven't seen her in years. Brandon hasn't texted me all day so I texted him making sure he was okay

B👀 = Brandon

- Brandonnnnnn

Yeah ?

- where you at ?

I am still with Rain , I'll be home later

- okay , be careful with that sloth and I love you

Stop being mean and I love you too.

It was August , his mom , his nieces their mom , Drew and I. Mama S didn't like Drew for some reason. I thought she was a cool person but hey that's them. I'm not the one to start drama.

" Aria , how have you been ? "

" I've been good , and you ? "

" I've been better , how's my other son ?"

" Don't get me started on him. He was gone when I woke up. "

" Ma , don't you wanna ask Drew some questions "

I wanted to laugh for some reason

" Yeah I do , why you in my damn house ? "

" Come on Ma , was that needed ? "

" You asked , next time stand up for yourself Drew . August how are you with a girl you doesn't even have a voice of her own ? "

" Ma chill , this is suppose to be a peaceful time "

" Nah she right august , I don't even know why I'm here. I always get treated like shit when we come over here . " Drew said

" Girls go play with your new dolls " I said

They didn't need to hear this , but I did I don't start drama but I like to hear it.

" Why are you cursing in my home ? "

" I'm sorry but you have pushed me to the edge. I have had enough of your bull. August call me later " Drew said while leaving

" August you need to get your little how together "

" Ma you always starting stuff , you could have been a little nicer"

" August I don't want to hear this"

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