Trick or Treating- Spooky Boy Month| Day 1

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I know I know, I'm 10 days late starting this, I'm sorry, life has been hectic. This story is based on the prompt in the header. The quote just screamed Garrett to me, enjoy 😋

"Shane quit eating all the candy!!" I grab the bowl from Shane's hands and sit it by the door. "There won't be enough for the kids."

"How many kids do you think actually trick or treat in my neighborhood?" He snorts as I roll my eyes.

"It's better to be safe than sorry. We can have the leftover candy after the kids are done."

"Why don't we just close the gate and turn the porch light off and pretend we aren't here, and then eat all the candy we want and watch Scream." Shane suggests as I shake my head. This wasn't even my idea, it was Garrett's, of course.

"Shane!" He whines. "You're ruining the spirit of Halloween! It'll be fun!"

"Yeah we can make fun of their costumes." Drew jokes.

"Drew that's mean!" Ryland gasps.

"Oh getting made fun of builds character. Or at least that's what my mom always told me." He jokes again as Shane and Garrett start laughing. The doorbell rings and I answer it, smiling at the two kids in costumes standing in front of me.

"Trick or treat!" They smile and Garrett looks at their costumes over my shoulder.

"Oh that's a really good captain America costume!" The little boys face lights up.

"Thanks!" The little girl sighs.

"I wanted to be Black Widow but they didn't have her costume." I roll my eyes slightly and then crack a smile.

"They never do, that's why you make it yourself." I wink at her and her face lights up too. We say goodbye and they leave.

"That little boys suit was adorable, I loved it. I smile at everyone and smack Shane's hand away from the bowl he was secretly trying to steal from.

"It wasn't very accurate, it's like stereotypical Captain America, but he had so many varieties of that suit, especially in the movies, which I'm sure is how these kids know him." Shane rolls his eyes and walks to the kitchen to get a soda.

"Garrett they're kids." Ryland reminds him.

I decide to change the subject and look at Drew. "Drew what costumes do you think we'll see tonight?" He thinks for a minute.

"We'll definitely Captain America. I'm sure there will be some generic vampires, witches, dogs."

"Ah yes, the trifecta." Shane adds, walking over to the couch as the door bell rings again. Garrett starts to walk toward the door and I stop him, opening the door and giving them the candy and then shutting the door and turning to Garrett.

"Now remember, you can't refuse to give candy to kids who don't accurately recreate your favorite comic book character in costume." He sighs.

"Fine... you're no fun." He winks at me and then we start laughing.

"But wait how can they grow if no one ever tells them they're wrong?" Drew chimes in.

"Drew has a point!" Shane grins, turning on the tv. Now come on let's do something other than talk about Marvel you're giving me a headache.

He puts on Scream as we relax, waiting for more trick or treaters, though we only had a few more. By the time the first movie was over, it seemed that most if not all of the trick or treaters were finished.

"Okay it's been 45 minutes and we haven't had any more kids. Can we please close the gate and turn out the light and eat the rest of this candy?"

"Yes!" Garrett and I say in unison, as Shane starts the next movie. Shane had been right and we hadn't had many trick or treaters, but that was okay, because either way I got to spend Halloween with my favorite people.

I didn't know how to end it lol. Leave suggestions in the comments! 💖

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