Daddy- Andrew and Garrett

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Okay so I had an idea and I decided I wanted to try something a little different.

Warning: this fic mentions daddy kinks, if this is something that you don't enjoy reading, skip this story. don't leave any hate in the comments please 💕

"Hey guys." I smile as I step aside and let Andrew and Garrett in. Everyone else was out of town so Garrett, Andrew, and I decided to have a sleepover.

"I brought drinks!" Garrett holds up a bottle of fireball and a bottle of rum chata. "Andrew what did you bring?"

"Nothing I didn't know I was supposed to." Andrew giggles.

"He brought his cute self that's more than enough." I wink at him as the boys laugh. We weren't dating, but I've had the biggest crush on Andrew ever since I met him. I've never asked him out though.

I have a daddy kink, which only gets magnified when Andrew is around. most people run the other direction when they find out that you have a daddy kink, and that's why I keep it a secret. None of the squad know, especially Andrew, and I intend to keep it that way.

"Why don't you too make it official already?" Garrett's words tear me from my thoughts. "It's so obvious you two like each other. Andrews face turns pink as he sits down on the couch, trying to ignore what Garrett said.

"Because Garrett, I just don't think it's a good idea." I shrug and flop down on the couch next to Andrew as Garrett takes off his coat and sits on the other side of Andrew. "So Garrett did you bring movies or are we finding something on Netflix?"

"Netflix! I brought drinks not movies!" Garrett grins as he pours a shot for each of us.

"Okay," I down the shot of fireball and then grab my remote. "Andrew, do you want to pick?"

"No that's okay, you can." He smiles at me as I pull up the horror movies.

"Okay, scariest movie on Netflix it is." I grin as Andrew takes the remote.

"I don't think that's a good idea y/n, you'll get scared. You know you get scared easily." I stick my bottom lip out pouting at him.

"No I won't! Come on please?" I bat my eyelashes at him as he shakes his head.

"No. No scary movies. You know you don't handle them well." I cross my arms and huff, downing another shot Garrett had poured for me as well as Andrew's that he hadn't touched yet.  "Hey! That was my shot!" He giggles as I stick my tongue out at him.

"That's what you get for telling me no. Garrett pour another shot!" I grin as Andrew shakes his head.

"No Garrett, do not. She doesn't need another one right now."

"Says you!" I argue looking at Garrett who's just staring at us like his favorite ship has set sail. "Pour." Garrett pours one and Andrew takes it before he can hand it to me and downs it himself.

"I said no more right now. You should pace yourself."

"You're not her dad Andrew," Garrett laughs and I bite my lip at his choice of words.

"I'm just trying to look out for her. She gets sick if she drinks too fast. You should know that, you're her best friend!" I sigh, turning back to the tv, searching for a good movie on Netflix. I scroll until I find the suspense category and look at Andrew.

"Since we can't do horror movies can we at least do a thriller?" He thinks for a second and then nods. I find one that looks decent and hit play, reclining back into the couch next to Him. After 10 minutes or so I glanced at Garrett who was pouring another shot. "Pour me another one of those!"

"Y/n," Andrew warns, "I thought I said you didn't need anymore right now."

"But daddy!" I whine, immediately covering my mouth as realization of what I said sets in. I wasn't thinking, and now I'm mortified. The guys sit there in shock.

"Did you just call Andrew daddy?" Garrett speaks first as I feel heat radiating from my cheeks. I don't even wait to hear anything else, immediately getting up and running to my bedroom and slamming the door. I jump into the bed, burying my face in the pillow as I tear up a little. A knock comes from the other side of the door before it opens. I turn and see Andrew standing in the doorway.

"Andrew don't. It's embarrassing enough already. Just leave, I know you want to." I wipe a tear and turn my back to him, crying again. I feel Andrew's hands on my back, rubbing gently before turning me back to face him.

"Why are you crying?"

"Seriously? You don't know why I'm crying? I just made a fool of myself and now you're gonna leave and Garrett's gonna leave and you're gonna tell Shane and Ryland and Morgan and you're all gonna stop being friends with me because I'm a freak with a daddy kink!" I start crying even harder, causing Andrew to pull me into his arms.

"Who said we were gonna leave? You're not a freak."

"Really? You don't think I'm creepy?" I pull away from him, looking into his beautiful brown eyes as he wipes a tear.

"No I don't think you're creepy. You think you're the only one with a kink?" He laughs. I sit up a little straighter and wipe my face.

"Well what's your kink then?" I smirk, anxious to hear his response.

"Honestly?" I nod. "I have a daddy kink too." He grins. "Or at least I do now that I heard you call me daddy." He laughs as my jaw drops.

"You're teasing me aren't you?" He shakes his head.

"Nope not at all. I loved when you said it." I gasp.

"Okay this is gonna sound weird but that was the only reason I had never agreed to date you because I was afraid you would think I'm creepy, and now that I know you don't think that it makes me like you even more."

"So can we make it official now?" He grins when I nod and pulls me into a soft kiss, nibbling on my ear after. I moan his name and he pulls away, staring at me. "What was that?" He slaps my ass and smirks when I yelp. "What do you call me?"

"Daddy" I giggle as he nods and begins kissing my neck, biting and sucking along my collar bone as I moan again.

"Um, guys?" Garrett calls from the doorway causing us to pull apart and stand up. "Should I leave you two lovebirds alone? I can go back home?" He smirks as Andrew and I shake our heads.

"No no, don't leave. We were just, um," I struggle for the words to explain what was happening.

"You were becoming my new favorite couple that's what you were doing. I'm glad you're finally official." He smirks. "And don't you guys worry about the whole daddy kink thing, I won't tell anyone." He giggles as we all walk back into the living room and sit on the couch, Andrews arm around me pulling me closer as he whispers in my ear.

"We'll finish that later."

Okay like I said I tried something different let me know what you guys think

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