Wisdom Teeth- Squad

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-Y/n's Point of View-

"Hey guys!" I smile into the camera that Morgan is holding. "So me and the rest of the squad are on our way to the dentist."

"To get your teeth removed," Morgan adds from behind the camera.

"Yes. I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed today, and everyone decided they wanted to come with me." I chuckle and Drew leans into frame.

"Because we want to see you make a fool of yourself," he giggles and I smack him playfully.

"Drew!" Everyone laughs and Morgan turns off the camera. "So are Garrett and Andrew meeting us there?"

"Yeah, they said they're already there actually." Shane explains and I nod and chew on my lip nervously as Ryland pulls into the parking lot and parks next to Garrett and Andrew, who were standing outside waiting.

"I'm nervous," I sigh as I shut the car door and we start walking to the building.

"It'll be fine, this is a super common thing, practically everyone gets their wisdom teeth out at some point." Garrett reassures.

"Garrett's right, it'll be fine, and we'll be here when you get done." Andrew smiles at me as Ryland opens the door for us and we walk in.

"I wish you guys could stay with me..."

"I know but you wouldn't know if we did, you're going to be asleep." Drew explains and I nod.

"I know I know, it just would make me feel better." I sign in and we take a seat, waiting for them to call my name.

"Y/n, my friend had her wisdom teeth removed a few months ago and everything was fine, you have nothing to be nervous of." Morgan hugs me gently.

"Y/n?" The nurse calls me and I stand, smiling at them once again before following the nurse through the door.

-One Hour Later-
-Shane's Point of View-

"Y/n is finished, they're waking up now, I came to let you know that two of you can come back here with them, unfortunately we can't allow more than two at a time." The nurse explains and we all stare at each other for moment, pondering who should go first.

"Shane you should go. You're like her big brother." Morgan suggests and everyone nods.

"Okay, but who else? I'm not going alone." I chuckle.

"Well they're gonna be pretty out of it and may not be able to walk very well and might need help." The nurse explains.

"Okay, that leaves Andrew and Garrett then," Ryland laughs and pats Garrett on the arm. "They're the only two strong ones left."

"Thank you," Garrett smiles at the compliment and then looks at me. "I think it should be Andrew though because someone needs to film."

"Oh yeah you're right." Andrew adds, taking the camera from Morgan and following behind me as we walk through the door with the nurse and down the hallway to one of the rooms. Andrew and I stifle a laugh when we walk in, seeing y/n relaxed in the chair and laughing to themselves.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I smile at them and they nod, still laughing.

"I feel really good, I can't feel a thing!" Andrew giggles behind the camera as he steps to the side and continues filming. "This medicine they give here is so good. We should steal some of it for later!"

"Y/n... no..." I snort and they pout.

"Dude we would get so high though, I mean look at me I feel great!"

"Y/n you've never gotten high a day in your life." Andrew giggles behind the camera more and I nod.

"That's true. But if I was going to, this is what I'd want!" Their voice raises a little as they point at the tank of gas used earlier. The nurse smirks and then nods at Andrew and I, walking out as the doctor walks in.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" He rests his hand on y/n's shoulder and they give him a thumbs up.

"Did you know you're really hot?" Y/n winks and Andrew, the young doctor, and I start laughing in unison.

"I've been told a few times, yes" he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Oh, okay good." Y/n rests their head back against the chair as the doctor turns to Andrew and I.

"I think they should be ready to leave in just a few minutes, the nurse is getting the discharge instructions now. Are you guys going to need help getting them to the car?"

"No, our other friends are in the waiting room, there's six of us so we should be able to manage. Thank you."

"Of course. Have a nice day." The doctor turns to leave and rests his hand on y/n's shoulder again and smiles. "Don't act too crazy, okay?"

"Me? Crazy? Never!" Y/n giggles to themselves and the doctor grins, turning and walking out.

Once the nurse had given us the instructions, it was time to head out. I took the camera from Andrew and he grabbed y/n's arm gently, helping them stand and catching them when they stumble forward and almost fall.

"Woah okay, I got you." He kneels a bit and wraps one of y/n's arms around his shoulder, steadying them.

"Thank you Andrew." Y/n coos.

"You're welcome." He giggles.

"I love you Andrew" y/n coos once again and kisses Andrew's cheek. "Like a brother of course." I bust out laughing at their words and Andrew let's out a small wheeze, avoiding laughing.

"I love you too, come on." Andrew was practically dragging y/n, who apparently had forgotten how walking works at this point, and brought them back to the waiting area. "I'm gonna need you to do a little more than what you're doing right now."

"Carry me!" Y/n giggles and goes limp, falling to the floor as Andrew tries to catch them.

"Y/n!" I scold as everyone else busts out into fits of laughter. Garrett offers Andrew a hand and pulls him up off of the floor where he had fallen when trying to catch y/n.

"I'm gonna need some help since y/n has apparently forgotten that they have legs." Andrew sighs.

"I have legs?" Y/n pokes their leg gently and nods. "Ah yes I do indeed."

"Oh my gosh." Morgan and Ryland were dying in the background as Garrett stifles a small laugh and picks y/n up off the floor with ease.

"I'll just carry them it's probably easier." He chuckles and scoops them up as Drew opens the door and we all head to the cars.

-Back at Shane's-

"Y/n are you feeling okay?" Drew hands them some water and one of their pills, which they swallow before shaking their head.

"My mouth hurts," y/n pouts and grabs a blanket, wrapping it around them as Drew sits next to them. "Really bad!" They whine and start crying a little and I hear Andrew and Morgan quietly giggling to themselves behind me. I can't really blame them. We've been home for about 45 minutes and y/n has already cried off and on like 6 times. It's like flipping a switch, it's crazy.

"Do you want me to play with your hair?" Drew  asks and y/n immediately stops crying.

"Yes," they gasp. "That is so nice of you! I love you Drew." Drew smiles and they continue talking. "I love all of you guys. You're all so nice and you love me enough to take me to the dentist and to stay with me and I just don't deserve you guys." Y/n starts crying once again and I bite my lip, holding back my laugh.

"Hey y/n, no crying sweetie. It's okay." Andrew sits on the nearby couch and y/n once again stops crying.

"You're right." They nod.

"Here why don't you lay down and Drew will play with your hair and you can get some rest." I suggest.

"Okay," Garrett helps them get situated on the couch, y/n's head in Drew's lap as Ryland turns on a tv show. He adjusts the volume as I look over at the other couch, y/n's eyes already closing as they fall asleep.

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