Good Morning- Andrew

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Sequel to "Goodnight" requested by alpyspanov

I hear my phone buzz quietly and groan, checking it. It was currently 10 am, and everyone else was still fast asleep, although not for long I'm sure. I see an Instagram and Twitter notification saying Andrew and I were dating, which woke me up even quicker. I quietly crawled out of bed, smiling when Andrew let out a soft whine in his sleep when I pulled away. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door, checking my phone.

Andrew and Y/n are totally dating! Check Garrett's newest Instagram story!!

"He didn't." I whisper to myself as I pull up Instagram and click his story. Sure enough, there were not one, but two photos of Andrew and I in bed, my head on his chest and his arms around me. "I'm going to kill him. I'm literally going to murder him and throw his body in a volcano since we're in Hawaii." I giggle to myself and then check the comments to see how everyone is taking it.

I can't believe this. She's just a slut, Andrew could do way better than her.

Y/n is horrible for Andrew. if I didn't already hate her in general, I definitely do now.

I sigh to myself and keep reading, hundred of comments like those appeared in my feed. As much as I love Andrew, I can't handle the hate. We aren't even dating. Not officially yet anyway, so I think it's best to let them know. I start to compose a tweet, thinking carefully about my words.

Andrew and I are NOT dating! We were forced to share a bed last night, and apparently we both like to cuddle in our sleep, lol

I add an emoji to make it seem a little more light hearted and then nod to myself, closing my phone. I think about all the comments I had just read, and the fact that I lied about wanting to be with the man that I've loved for so long, and I start to cry quietly to myself when I hear a faint knock on the door.

"Y/n? Can I come in? We need to talk," Andrews voice sounded heartbroken and I knew instantly that he had seen the tweet I posted. I unlocked the door and slid back down onto the floor next to the door as he opened it gently, frowning when he saw me. "Babe.." he kneels in front of me but doesn't pull me close, which causes me to cry more. I may have just possibly ruined the best thing to ever happen to me. "Why would you lie? You said we aren't dating. Why?"

"Because," I sniffle, "the hate Andrew. There was so much hate. Everyone said you could do better than me, and that I'm a slut, and that no one likes me now because it." I let out a whimper as I feel myself begin to cry even harder.

"That doesn't mean you needed to lie, you kind of hurt my feelings with that." I wipe a tear and nod gently.

"Well, to be fair I didn't lie, we aren't dating. Not officially..." I shake my head and wipe my cheek, "but I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, that's the last thing I wanted to do," I start crying harder again as I struggle to speak, "I just didn't know what to do, everyone hates me now." Andrew pulls me into his lap and shushes me, kissing my forehead softly.

"I love you. And you don't need to worry about any hate. Everyone does not hate you. They just need some time to process that's all. So what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" I pause and then nod, a smile forming on my face.

"Yes. I'm sorry for everything, I should've talked to you first. I'm so happy, I don't ever want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you either." He smiles, pulling out his phone.

"What are you doing?" I study his movements as he unlocks his phone and opens Twitter.

"I'm ending this before it becomes a problem." He types for a bit and then hits send, closing twitter and opening Instagram. He starts a story and holds his phone closer to him, making sure my face wasn't in the video, since I had been crying.

"Hey guys. So it was brought to my attention this morning that some people were not happy with a photo that was posted earlier. Y/n was telling the truth, at the time that photo was taken, we weren't dating. However, we have just made it official and I'm so happy that she chose to say yes, even after all the hate that she was getting." Andrew glances over at me and smiles.

"Which brings me to why I'm making this. Both y/n and I are extremely happy, so please don't send either of us any hate, you don't have to agree with our decision to be together, but please don't spam our social medias with it. Okay guys I'm going to go spend time with the most beautiful girl in the world. I hope you all have a wonderful day, Love you guys!" He ends the story and puts his phone away, squeezing me tighter as we sit on the floor.

"I still want to kill Garrett," I whisper causing Andrew to laugh.

"I know, but he's one of our best friends, we'd miss him too much." I nod and kiss his cheek.

"You're right. Although a volcanic sacrifice would be pretty amazing," I ponder to myself as Andrew shakes his head and kisses my forehead.

"It would be pretty amazing, just not Garrett."

"I love you for enabling me." I chuckle as Andrew pulls me in for a more passionate kiss.

"Well I just love you in general. How did I get so lucky?" He grins as he kisses me again, trailing kisses down my neck, making me shudder. "Oh did you like that?" He smirks and kisses back up my neck and nibbles on my ear lightly, causing me to moan.

"Stop that!" I playfully shove him and he smirks more.

"According to that cute little moan, you enjoyed it." He kisses me harder, biting my bottom lip, then kissing my jawline and behind my ear once again.

"Andrew," I moan, "we're in a hotel bathroom, we can't exactly do much, so stop teasing," I whine and pull away, giggling.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing." He smiles as we climb up off the floor and he kisses me again gently. "Although it is very fun to see you all flustered like that." I shake my head at him and open the door, walking out to see Morgan, Garrett, Shane, and Ryland sitting on the beds, grinning at us.

"Don't look at us like that!" I blush, turning toward Garrett. "Especially you! I could kill you!"

"Me?? Why??" Garrett acted clueless and I rolled my eyes a little.

"Why did you post those pictures of us?? We hadn't even talked about making it official yet, and I started getting a lot of hate over something that hadn't been confirmed!" Garrett's eyes softened as he got up and walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant for that to happen. You guys just look so cute together I wanted to share it with the world."

"I appreciate that, but next time can you ask us first? It worked out fine this time, but I'd rather not have to deal with it again." I smile as he nods and sit down in Andrew's lap on the bed, snuggling into him again.

"Why are you guys so cute!!" Shane squealed and Andrew and I just shrug before changing the subject.

"So Morgan, what are we doing today?" Morgans face lit up even more as she began talking.

"Oh lots of things! But they're mostly surprises. I can tell you there will be swimming involved, probably diving, amongst other things."

"Sounds fun, even though Shane and Garrett may die from the physical activity." Shane nods and speaks.

"It's true we might, but let's do it anyway, come on, everyone get dressed, we leave in twenty minutes." We all nod and Andrew and I go back to the bathroom, exchanging kisses periodically as we get ready for our first day as a couple.

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