Sharks and Surfing- Morgan

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Requested by user80486790 I'm sorry I know you requested this well over a month ago 😂

-Andrew's Point of View-

"Like this?" Garrett smiles as he slowly paddles and attempts to push himself up onto the surfboard before promptly falling into the water.

"Close!" Morgan smiles, glancing over at me from the board her and my sister y/n were sitting on. She kisses y/n's cheek before hopping off and swimming over to Garrett, who was now floating next to Shane and Ryland. Morgan had been so excited to bring us to Hawaii, and with enough convincing from both her and Ryland, she finally got Shane and Garrett to agree to try surfing. Y/n and I already know how to surf, so we've been sitting here, for thirty minutes, laughing.

"This is hard!" Garrett fake whines.

"Yeah, I don't know that I can do this Morgan." Shane sighs.

"Oh come on Shane, look" Ryland paddles and then shakily pushes himself up on the board for a moment before also falling.

"We get it, you're fit," Shane chuckles. "But Garrett and I are two whales, we can't balance on these!"

"Yeah Shane's right." Garrett adds.

"Quitters..." Y/n mumbles, causing me to laugh.

"What was that?" Garrett raises an eyebrow.

"I said, 'quitters!'" Y/n chuckles. "Do you think Andrew, Morgan or I got it right away? It takes practice and so far you guys have only tried a combined total of 10 times." The boys sigh in defeat.

"Thanks babe." Morgan grins at y/n. "Now come on you guys, let's try again."

"Hey," y/n looks at me. "Do you want to surf a couple of waves while we wait for them? There's some really good ones right now." I nod in agreement. "Babe, Andrew and I are gonna surf for a little bit while we wait. Is that okay or do you need us to stay and help?"

"No I think I've got it, you two go have fun." She blows her a kiss and y/n and I start paddling further out as a big wave starts building. Y/n paddles toward it before pushing herself up and waving at me as she surfed along the wave until it died down.

"Good job. Here comes another one."

"You have fun, I'm gonna rest for a minute." I nod and start paddling. I push myself up and cruise along the wave for a bit before glancing to where y/n had been floating. She's not there though. Before I could look for her anymore I lose my balance and fall into the water. I swim back to the surface and onto my board just as y/n screams at me frantically. The water around her starts to fade from blue to crimson and my heart begins racing as I paddle as fast as I can toward her. She goes under again and I paddle even faster, finally reaching her and pulling her out of the water and onto my board as quickly as I can, paddling toward everyone else, who were currently at the shoreline, and from the looks of it, had recognized what was happening. Shane looked to be on the phone and Morgan was standing at the waters edge motioning for me to paddle faster.

"Andrew.." Y/n whispers weakly.

"Hang in there, we're almost to shore. You're gonna be okay."

"I don't know, I feel really weak..."

"It's not even that bad, you're okay. We're gonna get you to the hospital and they're gonna fix it." We finally reach the shore and Morgan helps me get y/n completely out of the water.

"Ambulance is on its way." Shane says. I can tell he's trying to stay calm, but he looks just as shaken up as the rest of us. As we sit in the sand, waiting for felt like hours, I finally got to see what had happened. Below the knee on y/n's right leg, looked like a mangled mess of blood, muscle, and bone. My stomach churned at the sight as I swept a piece of wet hair from y/n's face.

-Morgan's Point of View-

"Please be okay, oh no, y/n baby please be okay." I squeeze her hand tightly as I feel a tear fall. I glance at Andrew, who, although trying to stay calm, looked as if he was about to throw up. "Babe I love you please."

"I love you too baby girl. Don't cry." Y/n weakly rubs the back of my hand with her thumb. How could I not cry? I try to stop crying for her but just end up crying harder, and in the moment I didn't hear the ambulance arrive, or the EMT's running over to us.

"Ma'am do you want to ride in the ambulance with her?" The female EMT asks softly.

"Yes please." I turn to the guys, Shane and Ryland holding hands and Garrett trying to comfort Andrew even though he himself was also crying. "Meet you guys at the hospital?"

"Yeah. We'll be right behind you." Ryland nods for everyone to get in the car as the EMT's help me up into the ambulance. I sit next to y/n, squeezing her hand once again.

"Please be okay..." I whisper.

-One Hour Later-

"This is all my fault." I pace around the waiting room. Shane was trying his hardest to comfort Ryland, and Garrett was trying to comfort Andrew as best he could. "If I hadn't begged you guys to come here and go surfing this wouldn't have happened. I can't believe I'm so stupid."

"Morgan stop it." Ryland says.

"You're not stupid." Shane and Garrett say, almost in unison.

"Yes I am. I just had to bring you guys surfing and now the woman I love could die and it's all my fault I'm so, so stupid." Andrew gets up from his place next Garrett and grabs my arms gently, stopping me from pacing anymore.

"Morgan, listen to me." He speaks slowly, "This is not your fault. You had no way of knowing this would happen. It was just a freak accident." He explains, "and y/n isn't going to die."

"You don't know that..." I feel my eyes starting to tear up again and I bite my lip trying to stop them.

"Yes I do. The majority of shark attacks are not fatal. She's gonna be fine." He pulls me into a hug as a nurse in light blue scrubs comes in.

"Everything went well but unfortunately the doctor couldn't save the lower portion of her leg. But she's stable and you guys can come back now." We sigh in relief as the nurse leads us toward a hospital room at the end of the hall. "She's not awake at the moment, but she should wake up very shortly." We walk into the room and Andrew and I start crying when we see a groggy but awake y/n and the nurse chuckles. "Well, I guess I was wrong, she is awake. Do you need anything sweetie?"

"Some water would be nice." Y/n croaks and the nurse nods, walking back out. I run over to the bed and lean in, kissing her.

"Oh thank God you're okay! I'm so sorry!"

"Baby, stop." She wipes my cheek gently. "It's not your fault." She looks at Andrew, "and it's not yours either."

"What? I never said-"

"You didn't have to. I know you. I'm your sister." He nods and kisses her forehead gently.

"We're just glad you're okay." Garrett smiles.

"And alive." Shane adds.

"Me too. So I haven't looked yet, how bad is my leg? I'm not going to need a peg leg am I?" Y/n smiles, trying to lighten the mood a little and failing.

"Well, maybe." Shane bites his lip.

"Shane! Stop it!" Ryland smacks him. Y/n moves the blanket revealing her bandaged leg and nods, taking in the sight.

"Well," she frowns. "This is gonna suck. But at least I'm still here with you." She motions for me to lean in again and I do as she kisses me sweetly. "I love you Morgan."

"I love you too babe. And we're all gonna help you get better."

"Starting with getting you a peg leg." Shane smirks.

"Perfect. Time to quit YouTube and become a pirate. Maybe I should lose an eye too and get an eye patch." We all chuckle in unison and I shake my head.

"No. No more losing body parts. I need you intact." She nods in understanding and Garrett gasps.

"If we get you one of those new super high tech prosthetics that they've been working on, you'll be one step closer to being like robocop!"

"Garrett..." Shane rolls his eyes. We all let out another laugh, stopping when the nurse walks in with y/n's water and some pain medicine.

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