My bullys brother and then my bully

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Charlie bullied me every day just because he had problems in his family. His dad left him and mom ran away so his brother took care of him and his other brother Frank. Three brothers in one house. Then one day Charlie went too far and used a knife only because he was mad at his older brother for not buying him a new bike. He wanted just to play with me but accidentally Charliestabbed me in my right side. Then my mom come to the hospital and yelled at me for nothing and said that I need to move out just because I had 18th birthday after three days. That broke my heart because she was my mom. Charlies oldest brother Xavier heard her yelling when he came to apologise for what Charlie did. He said that he could give me a home for a while so I moved into his house. Charlie was shocked. Soon Xavier fell for my charm really hard. I fell for him too and I didn't know that Charlie had feelings for me too. I did things with Xavier and Charlie was jealous. Sadly I didn't know a thing about Charlie until he committed a suicide and left a letter for me. After four years I was alone with Xavier child at Los Angeles. Broken and lost. But I did everything for my baby. And when I went for the groceries I saw Charlie buying some food. I didn't think then and ran to him hugging him tightly and then hitting his chest being mad that he faked his death just to leave a letter for me. He could give it to me. Charlie thought that I were living with Xavier together but then I told him that he left me after I told him that I'm pregnant. What a hard life and that's not even the end of my story.

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