The History Project

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Dakota's point of view

Dakota Florence Gededo Johnson goes in school while Joseph Jason Namakaeha Momoa is in last class.

Jason will take a gap year so he could go in university with Dakota.

While Jason is working out and making his look good Dakota is going in last class.

Dakota finishes school and Jason looks bigger, and he grows his hair.

They both go to film university where they both learn how to act to get some actor job.

Dakota meets some guy.

They all are like best friends but no one friendship is better than Dakons (Dakota and Jason).

She and the guy falls in love with each other and Jason is supporting them. Mostly Dakota.

Jason starts to look scarier and his muscles are gettin bigger.

In last year of university the guy purposes to Dakota and she say yes.

After year and half she marry him and they all get their actor jobs easily.

Jason gets a lot of job so they meet each other rarely but still are best friends.

Dakota lives together with her husband and she gets pregnant and it can be useable to her work.

She takes a free year to take care of her little baby boy. (Harry Styles)

Three years passes in routine. Dakota's and her husbands love slowly fades away in the routine.

Jason accidentally gets one woman pregnant and she leaves the boy to him.

Dakota supports Jason and her husband secretly cheats on her while she got pregnant again.

Jason sees his best friends husband cheating her with some girl.

The husband gots in the news and after that is a big fight with Dakota.

Jason supports her in the divorcing time and lets her to live at his house.

She takes another free year to take care of her little baby girl in that way spending time with all three children.

They founds a nanny who is very good and she is with children while there's not parents.

Both of them works really hard and accidentally they got the same job in one movie (random fake).

They are surprised but they agrees.

It is romantic film where they both need to act like they're together. Since both are good at acting they feel like it's just acting while there is some feelings involved.

They're filming so they have more time together. And they starts living together like a couple.

After a year with filming and denying that they're together they finally understands that they have a feelings for each other.

They kiss and finally says how they are feeling about each other.

The filming ends and they're officially a couple. And in the movie they can see how real it was cause they really fell in love with each other.

Dakota gets pregnant from Jason and says about her pregnancy in Christmas after he proposed to her.

The Paparazzi gets photos of the ring and of the growing stomach and blames the pregnancy. They thinks that they're marrying only because of the child.

The stomach is bigger than before so she goes to the doctor and she says that Dakota is waiting twins but the parents don't want to know the genders.

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