Chapter 2: Broke

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Trixie P.O.V

Eyes stare back at me as I lift my leg higher and higher, to the point of being parallel with the wall, I arch my back and look down to the floor, one hand gripping the barre. I drop my leg and stand straight, looking at myself in the mirror, a curvy, blond girl stars back at me, in yoga pants and a singlet, showcasing wide hips, thick thighs, big boobs and ass, tiny waist. Frowning I turn away, not wanting to see the 'fat' dancer before me. I twirl, surroundings spinning, and allow to myself let go of any stress. The spinning stops, and I totter before regaining any form of balance, then giggle from my clumsiness. The door slams open suddenly and my head whips around in shock, Adore, late as usual, dumps her stuff and grins at me, just like Katya did. "Hey T, how are you?"
"Yeah, same same, you?"
"Ugh, I broke up with Mitch, the Bi life is hard, he thought I cheated on him with Bess from work"
"Ouch, harsh."
"Yeah, but I have my eye on someone else, have had for a while"
"Oh my god who!"
"Not telling!"
Adore grins widely, giggling and beginning to stretch. I fiddle with my phone, trying to find our ballet playlist, I groan and Adore looks up, "Rough day?"
"Week more like"
"Ah, can I help?"
"No, just sick of being broke"
"God I love guitar and singing, but it does not pay well!"
"I get you girl"
I finally find the playlist and press play, cello music drifting out of the speakers. Adore and I take our places, and in sync, begin our routine.

"Lovely. Just shift your head slightly to the left Adore, then you should be perfect. Yes!" Laganja announces loudly, Adore moves out of position and grabs her water bottle, throwing her head back. I gingerly reach out for my phone, sadly all that appears is an instagram notification, and a text from 'Mom', ugh. "Trixie, come on girl, time to go again, you still have an hour!" Laganja yells, tapping her foot impatiently, I groan and press play, a classical Bach piece pours into the room. Adore begins her solo, whirling across the room at what seems like the speed of light to my sluggish, exhausted brain.

By the time 10.30 rolls around, my back is groaning in protest and my heart is hammering. After calling an uber and packing up, I step outside and wait for my uber, while waiting I check the dance schedule, no more 'till Friday's tap class, with Katya and Adore. Katya. Was she flirting? I don't think I'm interested, intrigued maybe, but not interested. My uber pulls up, "Trixie?" the driver asks out the window, I nod and get in, and stay silent the whole ride.

The uber pulls up to my house, I give a nod of thanks to the driver, and clamber out of the car, wincing at the pain in my back. I walk up the quaint stone path leading to the picturesque villa. I couldn't have afforded it, but my Grandma left it to me three years ago, no mortgage thankfully. I put my key in the door, and step inside. The little hallway, clean and airy, pink and white rose print wallpaper lining the walls, soft carpet, side tables with dance awards and shoes. I sigh and lock the door behind me, dragging my feet to my bedroom down the hallway, essentially collapsing onto the pink bedding. I groan quietly and nestle further into the bed, deciding to fall asleep and shower in the morning, too tired to move I allow myself to sleep peacefully. 

A noise pulls me from sleep, I wince at the light in my eyes and look around disgruntledly, a white ball of fluff sits expectantly in front of me, meowing. Rolling my eyes I stand up and head into the kitchen, putting food into the kitty bowls, Kitten follows after me and immediately starts eating. I go into the bathroom and start the shower. While waiting for it to heat up, I strip off and rub my sore muscles. When I finally step into the shower, I feel tension melting off and out of me. I wash my hair and body, then just stand in the spray for a couple of minutes. I turn off the water and step out, grabbing a fluffy towel and drying off, I moisturise, scrub and cleanse before moving back into my room to dress for the day.

After an hours work, I'm finally dressed and my makeup is done. Work is in an hour, a shitty entertainer in a shitty western cafe and bar on the other side of LA. It's the only place who would hire. I wish I was skinnier so I could have been a dancer, but I'm too curvy and tall apparently, maybe if I was skinnier then I wouldn't be broke.

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