Chapter 3: Shady Lady

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Katya P.O.V

"This is way better than spending another night on the couch"
"Wait Kameron, aren't you a bodybuilder?"
"Doesn't mean I'm not lazy just like anyone else"
Kameron rolls her eyes at me to emphasise her point, I laugh loudly and she pokes my shoulder jokingly. Miss Kameron Michaels, Haven's resident bodybuilder. According to her previous studios, she was 'way too muscly' to ever be a successful dancer, so here she is at 6.30 on a Thursday night, Jazz dancing with three idiots. "I'm back bitches!" a hoarse voice echoes through the room, I groan and turn to the door, not surprised to see the one and only Bianca del Rio. Haven's shady lady, the possessor of the most hoarse voice in history, and most terrifying makeup. Beside me Kameron claps slowly and sassily, sarcasm clear with each one. I laugh and run over to Bianca, side hugging her tight. Laughing she wraps an arm around me "Hey Russian whore!" she says loudly, I throw my head back with a cackle "Hey bitch"
"How are you?"
"Eh, fine"
I release her and turn around to face Kameron, "Can you find our Jazz playlist?" I ask quickly, she nods and plugs her phone into the speaker, immediately scrolling through spotify. A booming beat pulses through the room, halting conversation and signalling the beginning of our session.

We'd only run through the routine once before Adore came barreling in, disheveled and red faced, signature Adore Delano, she was never on time and would probably be late to her own funeral, no joke. "Well look who turned up on this fine evening" Bianca drawls loudly, Adore suddenly turns shy, tears pooling in her grey eyes, she looks down at her feet "Sorry" she whispers, Bianca frowns deeply as Adore dumps her bag, strips off her jacket and shoes, then takes her place beside Bianca. Bianca smooths her face before wrapping Adore up in a hug. My jaw hits the floor. I look to Kameron, our faces mirror images. Bianca, as far as we know her, has never fully hugged anyone by choice, she's hard as nails and could probably stab 20 men and feel no remorse, yet she barely glanced at Adore's tears before hugging her. I look over again, Bianca has her cheek on Adore's head and is stroking her back gently, Adore's face is buried is Bianca's neck, arms wrapped around her waist. Kameron and I stand awkwardly, glancing at them, then each other for 5 straight minutes. Bianca releases Adore and stands in position, looking Kameron dead in the eye. "Well, are you going to play the music or what? Laganja wants practice." Bianca snaps, Kameron quickly whirls around and starts the music.

As I lay in bed I think of the shocking events of the day, how couldn't I have noticed Adore's crush! God I'm oblivious sometimes. Haven is filled with relationship dramas, six months ago Pearl and Violet went clubbing and have been dating ever since, Laganja has been on endless amount of Tinder dates,  yet is the most single person on the planet, Haven should have it's own reality TV show, really. At the moment, I'm pretty single, but since I started at Haven nine months ago, I've had a soft spot for our darling Trixie Mattel, blonde hair, pink lips and all. She's so beautiful, her screaming laughs, her love for Tap dancing, her pink guitar, they all define a different aspect of her. I chuckle at myself, I'm getting soft. Deciding I can't be bothered lying awake in bed for hours on end, I go down to the studio to do some editing.

I sit down at my desk, and stare. I stare at the keyboard silently, for no reason at all. I look at the black screen for a moment and become restless, I can't bring myself to even try.

I go back upstairs, snatching a bottle of water and a leftover slice of pizza, then sit outside on the balcony, leaning against the glass doors. I couldn't bear to stare at the computer, mindlessly touching up the images from yesterday's photoshoot with a stunning young woman named Naomi Smalls, an aspiring model. So I sit, silently watching the twinkling lights. One by one, apartment buildings get dark, residents probably  curled up in bed with their partners, their girlfriends, boyfriends, non binary or genderfluid romantic interests. I sigh and scoop up the cigarettes and lighter from monday, and light one up, taking a deep drag and blowing the smoke out slowly, watching it vanish with the breeze. I sit and watch the stars, winking in the darkness, communicating with each other, a language humans don't understand. In that short moment, I realise, with a physically painful contraction in my chest, I am lonely. I gasp and slowly breath out, running my hand through my hair. After five years of no contact with my family or old friends, or any friends really, no lovers for three years, I was lonely. Laganja was usually busy, and I don't really have other friends. I talk to the girls at Haven, but I pretty much only ever go to the supermarket, Haven and the park down the road, by myself. I take a shaky drag and frown. The old Katya was always a socialite, now she's lonely.

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