Chapter 6: Prayer

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Trixie P.O.V

Our lips move in sync, melding together. Katya traces her tongue over the seam of my lips, begging for entrance, I grant her wish and her tongue dances with mine. Suddenly the mood changes, from gentle to passionate, and I sigh into the kiss. Katya pulls at my legs, tugging me onto her lap, holding my waist reverently, while entwining our tongues. I run my hands through her hair, tugging gently at the root, causing an deep moan to rumble from Katya's chest. Then it hits me, I'm making out with one of my five friends in the world, I can't ruin this. I pull my lips from Katya's and hurriedly climb off her lap, "Trix, what's wrong?"
"I'm so sorry Katya, that shouldn't have happened" I spew out and grab my purse, rushing out the door, leaving a devastated Katya in my wake.

I collapse to my knees as soon as the door behind me is shut, a sob leaving my throat. Finally letting the tears fall, I couldn't let the uber driver see me cry in the car. I allow tears to fall, how could I have been so stupid, I'm straight, but maybe? No. I can't get hurt again, not after Alex, not again, Katya is just playing with my feelings, I'm sure of it, that's what people do to me, every time, not this time, not again. I won't let another person ruin me, I've learnt my lesson. I sit on my knees, hands clasped, tears streaming, and I make a decision, one I haven't made since I was 14. I'm going to pray.

I open my eyes, mind now clear, I sniffle, and rise to my feet, removing my boots and padding to the kitchen, where Kitten is waiting expectantly, giggling I pat her gently on the head, then pull out her food and shake it into her pretty kitty bowls. Kitten meows happily before eating, I spoil her way too much. I sit at the breakfast bar and sift through the thoughts mulling through my head. Maybe Katya cared about me too, she intrigued me, her stupid red lips, long slim hands, muscles rippling beneath her skin, I wanted her, but what happened must have been a fluke, she could have anyone she wanted, I certainly wasn't any girl's definition of perfect, no one wants a 70's barbie anymore, only 2018 barbies.

After a fitful night's sleep, I drag myself to work, sleep deprived and confused, but I have to force myself to play today, I need the money. I sit on my stool in the centre of the stage, propping my pink hummingbird guitar on my knees, and taking a long drink of water. I pick up the guitar and strum once before beginning on Dolly Parton's 'Jolene'.

I play for a couple of hours before beginning to pack up for ballet, sighing I put down my guitar and drink a little more water before hopping off my little stool and stepping off the stage to talk to the barmaid, Aja. "Hey sis, how're you?" she questions, leaning casually against the bar, "Ugh, I'm so fucking confused"
"Tell me sis, I love giving advice that no one ever listens to!"
I giggle and sigh, I do trust and like Aja...
"So, there's this person, that I like, and they like me, but I'm scared they'll change their mind and leave me like my ex did"
"So you're saying, your a lesbian and don't want to admit it, and you like this girl, who likes you back, then you did something dumb, hmm?" She states blatantly, and I bite my lip, "Was it that obvious?"
"Sis, you avoided pronouns and you've mentioned some chick called Katy or something a whole lot in the past week"
"One, It's Katya, two, you're right" I admit in defeat, and look up, Aja is grinning from ear to ear, raising her eyebrows at me "I'm always right! And when I figured out I was a lesbian I did the exact same thing, but, I got up, and went out being myself, and now I have an amazing girlfriend of three years! If you tell her how you feel and apologize!" She says loudly. I shift and look at my feet "But I was so rude, and she's one of my only friends"
"If she cares enough, She'll forgive you sis"
I nod, "Thanks Aja, see you Wednesday" I say before turning back to the stage and packing my bags and calling an uber to take me to Haven. "See you sis" Aja smiles at me as I step out into the cold, and I let the door fall closed behind me. What am I going to do with myself? What about Katya? No, I'm not going to show weakness, I made my decision, no going back.

Ballerina Barbie - A Trixya lesbian auWhere stories live. Discover now