Chapter 8: Dolly

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*Their outfits above, please look at the full image*

Trixie P.O.V

The pleasing sound of Dolly Parton's 'Old flames' rings through the air, disturbing the silence. I roll over begrudgingly and pick up my phone. I see the contact and immediately answer with a smile "Hi... Eager much, it's only been one night" I giggle quietly into the phone, met with a loud chuckle on the other end of the phone "Yeah, but last night was a good one right?"
"Don't preen your feathers too much Kats, we only made out"
"But it was a good make out right?"
laughing I reply with a quiet 'hmm' causing Katya to gasp, I pause my laughter for long enough to spit a small sentence out, "It was a good make out session".

After a long fit of giggles and an equally long conversation, Katya's voice turns nervous, "Hey Trix, I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to go out tonight" I grin to myself, playing with the threads of my pink blanket "Katya, are you asking me out on a date?" I ask, and I basically hear the blood rush to her cheeks "Umm... Yeah, I guess" a little squeal come out of my mouth, "Of course I will!" I hear a deep sigh of relief and roll onto my back, saying goodbye before hanging up and getting out of bed, we are definitely going to need a face mask, body scrub and a lot, of moisturizer.

After a body scrub, shower and sending a text to Aja, I sit down on the edge of the bath, pulling out three different moisturizers and a korean face mask, designed by none other than my Milwaukee friend, Kim Chi. I put the face mask on and smell each moisturizer , before deciding on the pear, jasmine and chestnut scent, I'm a sucker for notes of fruit, floral and nut.

Me: Kats what do I need to wear
Kats❤: something country xx
Me: I've got plenty x
Me: And what time
Kats❤: i'll pick you up at six xx
I glance at the time, It's only 2.30 so I've got heaps of time, and nothing to do. I walk down the hall and into the kitchen, to find Kitten waiting patiently beside her bowl, she must be sick of irregular feeding patterns, and my irregular work hours. I scoop her into my arms and bury my face into her fur. After a while she starts to squirm so I put her down and fill her bowls with dry food and fresh water, an appreciative meow comes my way, and I giggle quietly before getting a glass of water myself. Katya said something country, but I have no idea what to wear, even though country makes up half of my wardrobe. I groan audibly and slump forwards, 'why am I worrying so much about this, it's just a date! Nothing huge!' I try to tell myself, but in the back of my mind, I know I care, I want Katya to care, I want her to like me. But what if she doesn't? She wouldn't want someone as broken as me, I have no friends, no family, a shitty job, I'm not pretty or skinny, I have so much emotional baggage, I'm not even sure of my sexuality, I'm not smart, I'm weird, and I'm a failed dancer. How could she like me? The thoughts whirl for a second, then stop. I breath deep, take a sip of my water, then stand, and walk back to my room to pick an outfit.

By the time 5.45 rolls around, my makeup is done, outfit is chosen and crisis averted. I perch on the edge of the couch, trying my best to stay as perfect as possible, I want to look good for Katya. I scroll through instagram, liking Adore's post, a cute selfie with Bianca, Adore is one of my closest friends, she's really bubbly and fun, with a punk or grunge style, but the personality of an excited nine year old. I don't know Bianca as well, but I know her and Adore are really close, and that she has the personality of sandpaper. Abrasive. According to Adore, she's really sweet, but I think Bianca just has a soft spot for Adore. I continue scrolling and liking the odd photo here and there, right up until I hear a honk from a car outside. I take a deep breath, then walk out the door, lock it and step down the path.

I open the passenger door and slide into the huge black Jeep, careful of my skirt before looking over at a grinning Katya, "Hi Kats, you look awesome" I say quietly, and she does. She's wearing an odd white fringed dress, with a quintessential Katya makeup look, a red lip and a black smokey eye. "Thanks, you look amazing as well" I roll my eyes and lean over the centre console to kiss her cheek, leaving a sticky pink mark on her face, she feigns shock and grabs my hand, "I hope you're excited" she starts the car and drives off. "I feel like Adore on crack".

We've driven for awhile, weaving through LA traffic until we're out of the city, lights and bustling streets far behind, replaced with stars in the sky and trees lining the road. We're on the other side of town, an area I'm not familiar with, and driving down a dark country road, with Dolly Parton playing and hands clasped. We chat as Katya drives, giggling at each other. We pull to a stop outside a pretty farm, "You ready?" Katya questions, I nod, then we both step out of the car. We stand side by side and I have to look down at her, she's so tiny and skinny, and gorgeous. Hands entwined, we stroll down the driveway, just talking and smiling at each other.

At the end of the driveway is a small and well lit barn, with open doors, country music spilling out, I look to Katya, a question in my eyes and she soon explains. "It's a country music museum, I thought you'd like it, they have heaps of artifacts and things from country music artists.". I squeal. "Oh My God! Katya this is amazing" I peck her on the lips, then jump around in excitement, this is so me. She cackles loudly before taking my hand and dragging me inside, both of us grinning ear to ear.

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