I'm sorry

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Your Pov

"Y/n?? Y/n?! Y/N!!! Wake up dear? Oh god.. I-I didn't think I'd hit her that hard.. d-did I..!? Y/n please.. wake up, I shouldn't have.. I shouldn't have done that, please Y/n, wake up! HEY WAKE UP!! Y/N!!??"

I heard someone muttering. I slowly opened my eyes and started to adjust my view. Everything is blurry in my vision. My head is throbbing and my chest clenched in pain. I tried shifting my eyes and my attention caught a weak of source light. I heard faint crying from a room to which where the light was from. It feels like it was near with me. I suddenly felt strong arms twisting around me and I saw.. Mr. Baldi... he's the one who's was crying?

My whole body started to shaken. Baldi soon loosened his grip on me and looked at me with teary eyes. The only light was above us and it kind of hurt my eyes.

"B-Baldi..." I said almost worn out.

"Y-Y-n!" Baldi said with his tone overjoyed, instantly hugging me into his warm embrace. I slowly reached both of my hands and hugged him back wearily while a few tears began to fall down from my eyes. Baldi soon break the hug and looked at me with his face full of regret.

"Y/n I," Baldi paused while a few tears stated to slid down through his cheeks, "I am so sorry Y/n, I-I didn't know what came over me, I wasn't in my right state of mind.. I didn't mean to hurt you.. it's just that, I'm mad, scared.. and afraid that I might lose the person that I only love.. I couldn't help myself so that's why I hit you.. but I really didn't want this, but seeing you running away from me.. it kills me. I don't want to ever lose you Y/n.. please forgive me for what I've done in the past.. I loved all of my students, y'know? But it pisses me off when they get a question wrong.. but I try to control my anger.. even if you don't love me after everything I've done.. I still I love you.." He said shutting his eyes closed while more tears started to fall down from his eyes.

I stared at him blankly for a second and then I started crying with him and pulled him closer to me while burying my face in the crook of his neck. I looked at him and gave a small smile. I don't know why I did that but I do feel bad for him but I also feel guilty about him, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel at this moment right now but if he really means it and is really sorry, then I believe maybe he deserves a second chance. Also, what made him realize what the heck he's done?

"Alright.. Baldi, I forgive you.. b-but please don't hurt my friends anymore," I said calmly and I hold onto his hand. "Just don't let the shadows of the past reach you again, and I am sorry too and... I love you too Baldi..." I said.

Baldi looked at me and started to hold my hands again but a little tight but not too tight to make it hurt. "I will try.." He said tugging in a small smile. He pulls me close and gave a small kiss on the lip. I gladly kissed him back this time. When the kiss was over, he looked at me and kept his face closest to mine which made me blush. 'What made me want to kiss him back?' I thought.

"Tell me you're mine..." He said. I was confused for a second but I gave him my honest answer. "I-I'm yours."

"You're not lying are you?" He questioned. "Of course not.. w-why would I?" I said.

"We'll always be together forever, won't we?" He said. "Together forever.." I said reassuring him.

"Great!" He said kissing my forehead and hugging me. "We'll do great things together, I promise.. I promise that I won't hurt you ever again."

Authors note
well that was unexpected.. this is short but uhhh *coUGHs*
my tummy is upset.

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