Crazy_2105 & Randomstuff0-0

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I combined their questions.

What's everyone's sexualities? Who was the first to come out? And who is the biggest gay?

Jeremy: Bisexual

Michael: Homosexual

Jake: Pansexual

Rich: Totally Bi now!

Chloe: Bisexual

Brooke: Pansexual

Christine: Asexual

Jenna: Lesbian

Madeline: Pansexual 

Hanny: Bisexual

Dustin: Homosexual

Jason: Bisexual

Trey:  Bisexual

Thalia: Straight

Seth: Pansexual

Jaden: Homosexual

Kurt: Homosexual

Ram: Bisexual

Evan: Bisexual

Connor: Homosexual

The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman: Asexual(He doesn't show much interest in anyone much. He once pretended to date someone tho. I'm sure he will find love tho.)

Alana: Lesbian

Zoe: Bisexual

Amber: Lesbian

Clover: Bisexual

Amber: I only did the characters that will be most important to this book. So I know there are some people from the Musicals missing. You can still ask them I guess.

Who's the biggest gay?

Clover: Dustin Kropp.

Dustin: Re-

Amber: Shut up.

Who came out first?

Michael Mell

Amber: Thanks for reading  guys! Bye Bye Fwends!

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