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Ooh I have a question for the gang now that Heathers is part of it.

Jason, Veronica, Dustin, and Micheal

Have you ever ran into each other at a 7/11?

Jason: Well, once I was with Veronica and Dusty and-

Veronica: You dragged us to 7/11.

Jason: It was Bring Your Own Cup Day!

Dustin: Jason. You threatned us.

Jason: Just shut up and let me finish! And I was dedicated. So I brought a kiddie pool. Y'know, those plastic small pools. And filled it up with slushies! And we turn and see Jeremy and Michael with jugs in their hands.

Michael: And I took it as a challenge.

Jeremy: He told me he was going to back up the car into the store. But I told him not to-

Michael: I could've done it!

Jeremy: Suuuuure. Whatever you say.

Michael: Rude.

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