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3rd Person's POV

When your soulmate turns 18 no matter how old you are you feel the pain they have been through, both physically and mental, for a whole day.

So imagine how Lance felt as he heard Keith burst out screaming on the day of his birthday.

Lance's POV



WHAT TIME IS IT? 8:59, well that's the time down in Cuba at least.


I grab my jacket running out of my room, pulling it on as I burst into Keith's room ignoring the burning feeling in arms.


Keith was curled up in the corner of his bed trembling. 

He looked up at me, face scrunched up in pain. 

"Ugh... I think my soulmate turned," Keith gasped loudly, legs trembling. "FUCK!!" He screamed pulling a pillow to his chest squeezing it tightly. "Eighteen, they turned eighteen."

I looked to the side feeling incredibly guilty. 'Dang it, this is my fault. Another thing you screwed up.'

Keith looked back to me. "What the fuck? Are you-" He gasped again now grabbing his jaw. 

'Age seven, jaw broken by my drunk father.' 

A tear ran down Keith's cheek. "Get Shiro!"

"NO TIME!" I yelled knowing soon he would be feeling worse.

I picked up Keith as he curled up into my arms. I ran out into the dining room where everyone was already gathered.

"Lance late- FUCK IS THAT KEITH?!!" Shiro jumped out of his seat and ran up to me and pulled Keith out of my arms. 

We ran to the living room like area as I was explaining to Shiro what has happened.

"His soulmate turned eighteen!" I yelled as Shiro opened the door to the living room.

Shiro carefully placed Keith down on the sofa. Pidge, Hunk, and Allura came into the room shortly after.

"Ok what the FUCK is everyone yelling about?" Pidge yelled to no one in general.

"Pidge! Language!" Shiro scolded turning to Keith.

"Keith's soulmate turned eighteen." I said to Pidge and Hunk. 

I go and sit next to Keith who is now grasping his arms violently. 

'Age eight and about a quarter, first arm broken, bullies I think.'

"I feel it, I feel it all. The emotional pain, the physical pain, every thing." Keith mumbled looking down.

Shiro looked over to Pidge. "Can you do something so we can at least know who is his soulmate so we can help them?" 

'FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK PLEASE SAY NO!' I tense up turning my attention to Pidge.

"No, sorry."

'Thank the lord.'

"Shiro, I may have a solution. The Alteans have found a method of knowing who your soulmate is, and how to lessen the pain for the people who have soulmates with bad lives." Allura chimed in thoughtfully.

'Noooooooooo...' I sigh rubbing my arm. 'I never bandaged my arm, did I?'

Shiro smiles widely. "That's perfect Allura!"

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