Past lives

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OK before you read, I want you to know that I barely know if any of these 'disorders' are compatible with each other, but I tried.

3rd Person's POV

"Death is a big thing everywhere and it happens to everyone. But death is unique in a way, it only completely takes you when you live out your life completely. In other words you are only really dead when you die of old age. The special thing is that if you die early you relive a new life. But if you purposefully kill yourself, you remember everything from your old life when you move onto your new life. Your old lives will stay with you, but only you can see them, you still remember their pasts, but you also have to deal with the people following you and talking to you."

That's the hard truth people have been taught for centuries now. You kill yourself? You have to relive with all your pain from your old life and your new one. And you have to deal with those depressed people following you.

 There are people who have been studying this and why it happens, but no one knows for sure. Theories suggest that some all powerful being wanted everyone to live one full and happy life. But I guess they didn't think about the unhappy people out there who keep dying until they can bear the pain long enough to accidentally die or to die of old age. 

Lance has been trying to do that for too many lives now. He had up to 8 now. Just try to imagine the sadness and pain of eight people, sad enough to kill themselves over it inside of one person and following that person.

The one plus to all of this isn't necessarily a plus when trying to fix the problem, but it helped hide it. In one of his lives, she was a famous actress, who had to act to hide her own pains and she taught Lance how to act at a young age.

Besides that Lance himself didn't have the worst life out of his many lives, but it did add some problems to the many lists of problems ha had. 

Like his past lives didn't have to go through homophobic parents, well they might have had them but none of the ones who weren't gay never had to come out. 

Anyways, lets go back to the present story itself. To poor depressed Lance we go!

Lance's POV

I sit through yet another tedious meeting as Phillip, Erika, Blanche, Darlene, Andrea, Cecil, Sean,and Doug all commented quietly behind me every now and again coming into my view in front of me.

I nod as Shiro says something I couldn't really hear over the small conversation going on behind me.

Me and Shiro are the only ones who has someone following us, but lucky Shiro's wasn't even depressed, he just wanted to live another life so he kicked the stool.

"Lance sit up straight." Cecil whispered patting my back a bit. 

Oh yes, these guys. I can give a quick description of them.

Philip was the first life who stalled death. He is around twenty and had a rope burn marking his neck, he is the one who tries to cheer everyone up all the time and helped me develop a fake personality for myself. He also gave me my depression

Erika is mostly quiet and her eyes are stabbed out and wrists cut deeply. She helps me with my hair, but she was the one to burden me with my bad habit of self harm, cutting mostly. She is around eighteen.

Blanche is pretty young, age twelve. He looks completely normal, he took pills. He tries to keep me company. He doesn't do a lot but he is nice... I guess. He gave the gift of anxiety. Not bad anxiety but it's still there.

Darlene is sixteen. She is the one who helps me with my charm. She has a knife sized hole in her stomach. She too contributed to self harm but she had better ways of hiding it like burning instead of cutting, but only burning on her torso.

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