Chapter 11

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Baby's P.O.V

We were still on a search to find a better place for the bouncy house. It took a long time though.

I gave Ennard the access card to open the pizzeria. So whenever I'm busy, they can still worked.


F.Freddy and I were always fighting. A fight that didn't make any sense. He didn't even want to see my face.

Bon Bon looked miserable, looking at us like this. And that day, he asked me..
It was midnight and everyone was asleep.

Bon Bon knocked my door, as I opened it, we sat on my bed.


I gave him a smile.


"There's something about the tree that cause you two like this." He said sadly. I took a long breath.

"Yeah- but we're okay now. We just- happened to argue about stuff.." I smiled.

"Baby, I know you're in trouble right now.. Tell me, please. Tell me about that tree." Bon Bon said.

. . .

My tears dropped.

"I.. just.. want.. to.. make.. things better.. again.."

"Baby.." Bon Bon hugged me.

"(Sniff) okay.. I'll tell you.."

I told him everything.. About me, F.Freddy and the tree. He understood.

"F.Freddy ever told me about the tree. But I think I forgot about it."


I sighed.

"Please don't tell everyone. Including F.Freddy. I don't want them to be know."

"Okay, thanks tell me everything. I hope you'll feel much better!" Bon Bon smiled.


"Okay! Pinky pwomise!" Bon Bon hugged me again. Ah- his warm hug really comforting me for now.


Bon bon's P.O.V

I went to the Breaker Room and saw F.Freddy, slept. Baby besides me and stared at him.

"I missed spending time with him." Baby giggled, but I know it hurted her.

"He changed. He became much more rude and- aggressive."


"Ugh.. Bon Bon is that you..?" F.Freddy opened his eyes a bit.

"I.. I must go.." Baby whispered and walked away.

"Go to sleep, Freddo!" I said.

"You go to sleep, freak." F.Freddy slept again.

Freak? What the f- calm down Bon Bon...

3rd person P.O.V

The next day..

F.Freddy looked at Fyby.

"I can't just let you being cut off." F.Freddy said sadly.


"You're the only place that I could wash off this feeling. Even if I always hit you with something, you still alive. It help me a lot."

F.Freddy sat down below the tree.

"I never really want to wear my skin right now. If only I could- ugh. what am I talking about?"

"Your flower, really comfort me. And so the grass.. If she understand that you're my comfort, maybe she won't do this. That bitch- She always made me feel- the urge- Sadistic. If you're not here by now, wonder what I will do to her as we're always hanging out together. I might even hurt her. I can't just express this feeling towards anyone, they will avoid me."


"F.Freddy..?" Springtrap saw F.Freddy from the distance.

"Oh, Mr.Springtrap." F.Freddy said.

"What are you doing here?"

"None of your business.."

"Ah- I see.. I heard you and Baby were fighting. Aren't you and her- friends?"

"Not anymore.."

"Did she make something wrong-?"

"SHE NEVER UNDERSTAND!!" F.Freddy punched the tree as the flowers fall. F.Freddy looked down to calm himself.

He stared at Springtrap as his eyes became bright blue. Springtrap gasped a bit.

"I know it's hard to you.."

"Take care." Springtrap walked away.

F.Freddy turned his eyes back into normal blue.

His tears dropped on his cheek.

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