Chapter 1: The Lovers

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—•— Asra —•—

I watched her from a distance as she leaned on the counter, with Nyx in her arms, her mind miles away.

She always reminded me of a rose sitting tall in a garden. Poise and Beautiful.

Small nose, dark hair, sunset colored eyes and the most kind heroic spirit I could ever imagine someone having. One would call her a pushover but honestly I think they're full of it.
She's the one who would heal someone while she herself is deathly ill, she's a stubborn woman and very strong willed.
She became the count's enemy when she was barely seven years old. Hexed him in the middle of the street when he was humiliating our old friend Muriel. Since that day Lucio had it out for her.
But her fiery spirit always won.

When...when I lost her all those years, I chose to keep the memories of her and what family I have, I cherish them, some I had to lose.
My memories only reach so far.
When I finally got her back, it was my turn to heal her. Her memories are broken fragments that are struggling to repair themselves. She didn't know who I was and now she only knows me as a friend.
She doesn't even realize how powerful and gifted she is, it's like a child learning how to walk.
I can't push the healing process because I'm afraid I'll lose her again, I've sacrificed too much.
So if this is the way then so be it.

I was so blinded by loss. Because a world where she didn't exist wasn't a world worth living in and I didn't want to endure the torture of never having her in my life again. It was always Eva and I against the world. Always told me she wanted a little house by a river, children, to grow her own food, have animals, and somewhere for Nyx to grow to full maturity.
I worshiped her, would bend for her every need.
But then we lost her and Lucio cheered.
If I could only know what happened that day.
All I can do now is be there for her and be strong.

I finished packing away my supplies and Faust unwinded herself from my arm. I sighed for a moment and dusted my hands off before walking over to her.
Nyx saw me approaching and jumped onto the counter, wagging his scaly tail.
Eva snapped out of her trance and ran a hand through her massive curtain of charcoal hair.
"Thinking?" I asked her.
She chuckled softly as Nyx danced around as if he was struggling to decide who he wanted to visit with.
Eva watched him and I sighed softly.
"Are you going to be alright while I'm gone?"
She nodded, smiling and Nyx scurried into her arms and then hopped on her shoulder.
"I'll be ok Asra. I've got Nyx here to keep me company. I'll practice while you're gone."
I nodded and smiled then reached into my pocket for  my deck, the energy within the cards roared in my palms as I looked down at them.
"Well in that case, I'm lending you the deck."
I smiled and handed them towards her and she looked at them, her golden eyes widening.
"Asra, are you serious? Do you think I'm ready?"
I chuckled when she took the deck, the cards automatically reacted to her energy, cutting themselves from me and back to their original owner. These cards were both of ours once upon a time and they always favored her. Out of both of us, Evangeline gives off the most energy, the Arcana feeds off of it like moths to a flame.
"Do you think you're ready?" I asked her and she looked down the cards, running her fingers on them.
I smiled fondly at her, Nyx scurried across her shoulders and into her arms, claiming her as his property and I chuckled.
"He seems to think so."
Nyx then began to swat at the cards in her hands and we both laughed as she set him down on the ground.
She turned back to me, our eyes meeting, a warmth filling my chest, a feeling I knew to well.
"I wish I could come with you. I would love to see anywhere outside of Vesuvia."
I sighed softly, giving her a small smile.
"I promise one day I will take you with me. Just not this time, just some business I need to take care of."
She nodded and half smiled before leaning in for a hug. I tensed up slightly before hugging her back, surprised from her sudden act of affection. Her scent engulfed my senses and I relaxed into her touch.
It felt like home.

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