Chapter 8: The Heirophant

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"He's back....isn't he."
She stood there waiting for an answer and for a moment I was speechless but I was like she could read my mind.
She clenched her jaw and looked away with a distressed expression washing over her face.
"I knew this day would come again..."

I felt a magical energy coming from her but it was very moderate. There was an earthy-ness to her energy, it wasn't threatening but it was still bold.
"Why were you at the town square?"
I asked her and she looked at me.
"I like to keep up with what's happening at the palace. Nadia used to be my friend before she fell asleep...." I raised my eyebrow in confusion.
"Fell asleep?"

"The headaches? Surely she has mentioned them. We were all very close." She looked up at me.


"Do I know you?" She chuckled at my question and leaned against the brick wall.
"We were friends at one point in time. You and Asra lived in the palace as Nadia's guards before he was force to leave."

My vision.
So it was true.
Asra and I knew each other before now.
And from the looks of what Faust showed me, it was more than just friends.

"He was forced to leave?" She crossed her arms.
"Yes, another wizard had problems with him. Never could get along, he always had it out for Asra."

"And you?"
She walked towards me.
"I lived in the palace, not by choice. But I fled after my brother's death; a man helped me, we escaped together. Lucio, he was...controlling me so he had authority over our mother. Condemning men and women to death, torturing for his own enjoyment...Bastard he was."

"If he were alive now, I'd kill him myself. A chance I will never have to bring justification to all the wrongs he has committed..."
She then sighed deeply and our eyes met again.
"I must go, I can't let Nadia see me."

I exclaimed as she went to leave.
"My memories only stretch so far, I have so many questions."

"In time. Trust your intuition Evangeline. It will be your sole ally." I looked down trying to grasp onto her words.
My brain struggled to comprehend everything that has happened in the last twenty four hours.

The visions. The memories.
Two people claiming to be apart of a life that I can't seem to remember.

When I looked up she was gone.
Nyx chirped in response and Faust poked her head out from my hair. I rubbed my temples, feeling the ache in my head subside once again.
"Let's go." I mumbled once I composed myself.

I made my way to the shop and as I came upon the building, the shop within my line of sight.
Something felt off, the energy felt agitated.

I approached with caution, my nerves already on edge as I walked steadily towards the shop.
I stood in front of the door and the magical barriers that protect the shop were damaged but still very much intact. I would describe it as a bruise more than anything. But someone tried getting in.

"Someone inside..."
Nyx growled and I stepped back as I held my hand out. Energy filled my palm, intertwining between my fingers and I held them out to the door.

"Wohs em ohw sedurtni...." I whispered and my hand glowed brightly and suddenly I heard clatter within the shop and I kept contact.
The door to the shop flew open and a man came out screaming as my magic dragged him onto the cobblestone before tossing him aside.
I recognized the auburn hair and dark clothes as I removed my hold on him and the door sealed back up. The man scoffed and groaned under his breath as he picked himself up off the ground.
He dramatically dusted himself off and then turned around, his eye meeting me.

Dr. Devorak.

He let out struggled laugh and wiped his brow.
"Fancy seeing you here. I was in the neighborhood. Uh you look splendid...m-marvelous...I was just looking for something...uh I'll just stop...."

For a moment I thought about calling the guards but I stopped myself. This is the second time I've caught him in the shop. Nadia will think I'm harboring the man who killed her husband.

"How do you keep getting in? I know I locked up, you broke through the shop's barrier. So either you have some type of magical tool or—"

"Or I have a key." He cheekily smiled.
With a click of his tongue, he sighed and pulled a small rusted key from his coat pocket.

"Here if it makes any difference, you can take it. I won't be using it again. That's a promise."
He waited as I reached out to take the key from him.
It was older and I compared it to my own to the back door of the shop and they matched perfectly.

"Who gave you this?"

"You don't remember do you?....Oh course you wouldn't...what am I thinking. I've made house calls in the past."
I raised my eyebrow. House calls to the shop?
I squinted my eyes, stuffing the key into my pocket, giving the doctor a wary look.

"I'm not a thief. I am many things but a thief isn't one of them. don't believe me do you?"
He examined my face with his eye in search of an answer. To my surprise, he began to shuck off his coat and Nyx whined in confusion as he unbuttoned his waistcoat. He threw it open with a flutter, exposing his toned body, arms outstretched and palms up in submission.

"Search me. If you find anything of yours, I'll show myself to the stocks. Go ahead."
He lowers his eye, presenting himself for inspection and I felt my ears burn hot from embarrassment.

I stepped forward and held my hand out, energy filling my palm once again so I wouldn't have to touch him physically. He watched my every move as I hovered my hand over his body, grazing his skin every now and then accidentally.

"T-Tingles..." He nervously chuckled and I moved my hands across his torso and to his arms before making their way up when my magic sensed something. I stopped at his throat and a faint symbol unveiled itself. A magic branding.
He immediately tensed up as the symbol began to glow and he cleared his throat.
"Oh that....uhh." He rambled on nervously and I simply looked up at him.

The symbol was familiar. Like I had seen it before.
The more I stared at it the more my head began to throb again. I moved my hand away and my magic caught another item. I looked down and there was a lump in his pocket. The energy from my hand disappeared as I stuck my fingers into his pocket, taking him by surprise.
"Wait hold on, I can explain...."

A knife.

I pulled it out and looked back at him with questioning eyes.

"What were you really looking for?"
He sighed, dropping his arms to his sides.

"I was looking for answers but...I couldn't find anything....not the ones I wanted anyway."
He buttoned his waist coat back up, sighing and for once he sounded truthful.

"Alright. I believe you."
His eyes widened.
"Wait. You do?"

He half smiled and chuckled.
"Ah see that's where you're wrong. You shouldn't take anyone by their word but I do hope you are satisfied this time. I would just hate to disappoint you..." He scooped up his coat with a showy flourish and slipped it back on.
"Until next time...Evangeline..."

I'm alive.

I'm so sorry for taking forever to update this book.
But I'm almost done with school guys!

Haha. I hope you are all doing well during this crazy time. And thank you all for being so patient.

I'll be updating again soon!

— Modmorticianlilly

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