Chapter 6: Worry

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When I woke up, I felt refreshed which was odd considering the events that took place last night.
My first thought fell onto the male wizard I bumped into last night. I felt as though I had seen him before.
I just couldn't for the likes of me, figure it out.

I sat up amongst the silk pillows and cotton sheets with my knees to my chest. Nyx was at my feet stretching like a cat before tucking himself into the duvets. It was still early hours and I didn't expect anyone to be up and around yet.

I crawled out of bed and dressed for the day before leaving Nyx in the room so he could sleep.
I made my way down the hall without a sound and found myself being drawn to the courtyard.
When I stepped outside, the sun was barely up.
The night critters were just beginning to retreat for the morning to come and reside to their resting places. I took a moment to clear my head, closing my eyes before taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air.

I open my eyes to the morning sunlight streaming through the swaying branches of a willow tree just ahead of me. The tree stood out amongst all of the greenery in the courtyard. Curiously, I walked towards the massive tree and soft white baby petals blew in the gentle wind like a snow flurry.
It was beautiful.

I stood in front of the tree and my hand rested on the aged bark. Almost instantly, I felt the tree's energy.
It was warm and inviting, almost nostalgic in a way.
I smiled softly.
"May I sit?" I asked the tree and the tree seemed to answer in it's own way, the branches groaning happily in the wind as it swayed with the current.
I sat down in the plush grass, settling against the overgrown willow tree and I sighed contently.

I let my thoughts and mind rest but soon came the aching and restless feeling of impending conflict.
My mind began to race about Dr. Dovorak, the Countess, and Asra.
There was so much weight on my shoulders that I couldn't grasp onto what was really important.
I miss him even though it's only been a few days.
I wish he was here to walk me through all of this and tell me what to do and what all of this meant.

The memories of Lucio swarmed my thoughts.
Did I know him personally before?
The way he talked about Asra as if he and I were too close than what Lucio liked.
Was Asra something more to me as well?
Is this why I feel empty at the moment?

All of this overthinking began to take its affect when I suddenly heard a small faint voice creep behind me. It was small like an echo.
I looked around frantically before my eyes fell onto the familiar reptile.

"Worried!" It was Faust.
She hung from a low branch above me, swaying gently like a vine in the light breeze.
"Faust? Is that you?" I sat up on my knees, holding my palms out as the snake flicked her tongue.
Her voice was stronger, more insistent now that I was alert and paying my full attention to her.
Asra told me about the bond between a witch/wizard and their familiar. That limited communication is possible. I always see Asra and Faust talking with each other but nothing I could ever hear. I was never quite sure how before I finally heard Nyx speak for the first time. He told me my mind was open.
But Faust isn't my familiar. I shouldn't be able to talk to her yet here I am.
Behind me, a fast approaching gurgling pant ran up to me and Nyx belly flopped onto my lap, rolling over obnoxiously.
"Wake up now?"

I laughed and picked him up in my arms.
"You're already awake."
He nibbled on my fingers and looked up to see Faust and he excitedly jumped up.
"Faust! Asra?!"
She crawled down in a distressed manner and Nyx scrambled out of my arms to greet her, looking everywhere for Asra, hoping he'd appear.
"Easy Nyx. Faust? What are you worried about?"

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