Chapter 5: The Other Side

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— Evangeline —

The presence was suffocating and almost unbearable. I felt as though I was thrashing underneath my skin. Nyx hissed, his mane flaring side to side, I had never seen him like this.
I didn't dare turn around, instead the bold beady red eyes of the count in the painting held my gaze.
"Nothing like the real thing...."

"Go on. Touch it..."
I lifted my hand to touch the canvas, expecting to feel something but to my relief, it was just the old texture of rough paint.
There is snickering in my head as haze settles over my mind. Warmth like an ember radiates at the back of my neck. The energy in my palm reacts, it's glow stretching past my fingers and down my arms. The hair on my forearm is standing on end when I realize I am not dreaming, this is not my mind playing tricks on me.
I could feel my pulse beating in my ears as panic settled in my body. My first instinct was to flee, get away as far as I could from the portrait.
I stumbled back, my heel hooking itself on the rug behind me. I fell back, catching myself only to feel something soft cushion my back. A cloud of dust and ash flurried around me, causing me to cough.

This was his bed. Count Lucio's.
I'm laying where he was murdered, incarcerated.
The ash filled my nostrils, dusted my lips and skin, I could feel it in my eyes, it was everywhere.
This was all that was left of him.

When the realization hit me, my hand automatically smacked over my mouth to suppress the scream bubbling in my throat. I felt the strong urge to vomit up everything I had eaten today.
I scrambled out of the bed, tripping over myself as I smacked away the ash from my skin and face like a madwoman.
I could taste it on my tongue.
I had to get out of there.

"Going so soon? You were always so jumpy, like a scared little bunny rabbit."
The voice was louder in my head, causing sharp excruciating pain. The voice, it echoed from every corner of the room, and from within my mind, a strange throaty laugh. I was blinded by the darkness and halfway collapsed on the floor.
"Who are you?!"
Suddenly the temperature dropped, the air so silent that my words echo, distorting my voice.
I hear shifting, a weak cry unlike anything a human would make.
"Who am I? Nobody....nobody..."
I strain my eyes to see the unseen breeze of the presence move past me, towards the portrait.

"Now, this man, this specimen of a man, he was somebody." The sound of five sharp claws scraped down the canvas with caressing, loving strokes, a deep growl echoing the room.

"Eva. Leave. Now!" Nyx begged and without a second thought, I made a break for the door.
My fear seemed to have delighted the voice, it's laugh growing louder and louder till it boomed.
The air felt like it was pulling at my limbs, sucking me back in to face it.
I reached the door and quickly yanked it open, making a mad dash down the hall. The paintings that scattered the walls felt like they were laughing in unison, their eyes following me down.
"You cannot hide forever Evangeline..."

"Run rabbit...."

"Run rabbit!"


I ran to the stairs and sped down them to see Mercedes and Melchior waiting at the bottom.
I rush past them and turned the corner only to crash into another body, only then do I realize I am hyperventilating and my chest is tight like I am choking.
"Whoa whoa whoa there.." The body's hands grabbed my shoulders and in my state of panic, I thrashed in the person's hold.
"Hey, look at me, you're alright."
I looked up to see a older man with dark ebony hair with hints of brown. He had crystal blue eyes, the color of ice; they looked cold and bitter.
But there was a bit of familiarity as I stared at him and as I calmed down, I could feel a magic aura pouring from his towering stature.
It made me feel weak and small.
His energy didn't feel like any I've ever encountered.
I didn't have a sense of safety like I get when I'm with Asra.
It felt dark. Cold. Distant. Malevolent.

"Have we calmed ourselves?"
I nodded slowly and suddenly I heard a gasp come down the hall and it was Portia standing in shock.
"What happened?!" She came running down as the man let me go and I took a slight step back, adjusting to my surroundings.

"I-I uh I don't know...." Portia put her hands on my shoulder with a genuine look of concern. "Look, the poor girl is frightened. Why don't you see that she gets to her room safely. Wouldn't want me to report to the countess of this incident now would you?" Portia's face turned sour at the sight of him before she turned back to me.

"My apologies Atlas. Evangeline, please come with me and lets get you cleaned up." I nodded, still shaken about the previous events just minutes ago. As I turned back, the man she called Atlas vanished from the hall without a trace.


"Who was that man?" I asked as cleaned my face.
"He is the Countess' right hand. A skilled wizard. He was very loyal to the Count many years ago. Don't trust him though. He's no good, he's a snake of a man." She admitted.
I raised my eyebrow as she collected the dirty torn clothes that I was once wearing.
"Don't go chasing shadows Evangeline. If I were you, I'd leave and find your master."
She sighed softly and gave me a sympathetic smile.
I set my damp towel down, as she walked to the door, turning back.
"Sleep well Evangeline."

She turned on her heel, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Nyx came crawling next to me, pawing at my leg. I bent over, scooping him up.
"Eva scared?"
I sighed, leaning back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as he laid on my belly.
"I don't know. I should be. Right now, I'm confused."
I rested my hand over my heart, breathing slowly in time with the calm pace of my heart. My mind immediately went to Asra as my eyes grew heavy, fatigue finally washing over me. I curled up on the pillowy bed with Nyx tucked into my abdomen.
Slowly but surely, I drifted off to sleep.

-- ATLAS --

The hallways were dead silent, the strong presence of magic made a bread crumb like trail to the guest bedroom of Evangeline. I followed the strong pull, grazing my hand against the walls as I approached the door. I waved my hand over the door handle and the door creaked. I walked inside to see the sleeping maiden curled on the bed with her familiar. The magic that surrounded her was almost overwhelming, even my rat Norris scurried into my coat pocket.

"Too strong..." Norris squeaked, as I walked closer to the bed. She looked just like Minerva, same wild curls, I almost feel bad for what I did. Unfortunately, I cannot let her live, she puts every plan into jeopardy. Poor little Evangeline, It's a shame she has to die, at least now she can be reunited with her parents.

I hovered my hand over her frame, murmuring words under my breath as my hand glowed bright green. The magic spilled from my hand, cascading over her like a blanket. Suddenly, a sharp zap electrocuted my hand and I groaned, reeling backwards away from the bed. I panted, looking down at my reddened and blistering palm, recognizing the handiwork but there was another aura lingering with his, another wizard, one I recognized too quickly.


I scoffed, sighing with a grumble. Protection spells.

"Even in death, you always seem to leave a mark...Jupiter. You dragged this young wizard into your disputes? Pathetic...."

"He will die...just like you."


Hi guys! I'm back from the dead!!!


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry if it sucked and it was a little short, I tried. I'm always going back and forth from the original story and my memory is not so good so the events from the og are a little jumbled in my version. I apologize.

But anyhoo, I hope you guys liked it!

Comment and vote!

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