Chapter 9: Something Owed

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So many questions weighed on my mind.
I tossed and turned all night, unable to rest or shut my brain off long enough to get some rest.

I sat up, rubbing my temples, my head aching.

I need some fresh air.

I quietly climbed out of bed, leaving Faust and Nyx behind in the bed who were still passed out, curled around each other. I walked barefooted out of my room and I wrapped my shawl around myself as I walked down the hallway.

I made my way to the garden in the courtyard.
The moon was big and bright in the night sky.
I stood under it's light and closed my eyes as the cool night air kissed my skin. I could feel the moon's energy wash over me, it felt like a well-needed hug.
I opened my eyes and I spotted the fountain just ten feet away from me. I walked towards it and as I approached the fountain, I sat down on the ledge.
The water calmly sung as it poured from each of it's many layers into the large basin at the bottom where I sat. I glanced down at the water.

Automatically my mind went straight to Asra.
Water always symbolized Asra for me.
It was one of his strongest forms of magic, his signature skill. It's never been my forte.

I felt lonely and I longed for his company.
Right about now at the shop, we'd be sleep deprived together, drinking lavender chamomile tea and read till we felt tired.

I sighed and closed my eyes, attempting to calm my mind as I began to meditate on the fountain's edge.

I found myself drifting off to the same grassy plains as before. Dark skies and a green light lining the horizon.

It felt colder, a feeling of dread lurking all around.

The wind blew wildly, the air nipping at my skin as whispers and voices surrounded me.
It was suffocating and thunder cracked violently in the sky.

I wrapped my arms around myself as the winds continued to build and I dared not move. The air grew thin and I couldn't breathe.

Lightning began to illuminate the sky.

I felt my magic build in my chest, threatening to spill out defensively.

What's happening.

My palms ignited in flames, my eyes glowing bright.
I held my hands close to me, trying to keep myself from exploding.

A voice called out and I gasped, seeing a male figure in the distance. The sky cracked, the ground shaking as the lightning followed him.

The voice called out again and the same bird from last flew overhead, it's cries echoing the plains.

".....wake up!"

"Wake up!"

I gasped violently and my eyes snapped open.
I was floating and my magic disappeared midair.
My eyes met the man named Atlas before I pummeled down straight into the fountain.

When I managed to come back up, a pair of hands were grabbing at my arms to pull me up.
I gasped for air as Atlas pulled me out of the fountain and I was sat down in the grass soaking wet.
"Are you alright?! My goodness you gave me a scare!" I was breathing heavily as I looked up at him and he took a step back.
"Hold on." He held his hands together and they glowed bright green before a gust of wind came towards me, immediately drying my clothes and hair. I still felt disoriented and I attempted to stand up but he stopped me.
"Hey hey slow down. You just used an insane amount of magic. Felt it all the way from my quarters."

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