Chapter 3: Strength

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"Nyx hungry. Nyx want fish."

"You ate before we left Nyx. Wait till we get to the palace ok?" The furry dragon huffed in my bag and I chuckled still not believing that I'm talking to my familiar. I walked into the ally that led to the main market place, my own little short cut.
This path led straight to the palace with minimal disruptions, hopefully it stays that way.
This is Vesuvia after all.

As I turned a corner a massive figure stood in the pathway. At first I don't realize I'm looking at a human, his size is monstrous and towers over me.
His skin was covered in scars; old and new.
The man's face was hidden by old weathered furs and rags; only haunting green eyes staring back.
Nyx pokes his head out only to cower back inside my satchel. I pulled my bag closer to me as the figure stood directly in my path.
I cleared my throat and licked my dry lips.
"Excuse me...."
The towering figure moved to the side, chains clattering as he stood on the left. I then began to move past him when suddenly a heavy hand landed on my shoulder and I gasped.

 I then began to move past him when suddenly a heavy hand landed on my shoulder and I gasped

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"He will return uninvited...."
The man's voice was scratchy and deep like rolling thunder, it shook me to the core.
"He will offer you an escape when you need it the most." He added and I looked up at him.
"Turn it away. Or you will fall into his hand..."

"Just like the rest of us..."
He lets me go and I'm still standing there frozen in place as he shuffles past me, disappearing into the fog lit streets. Then nothing.
I breathed in deeply before adjusting my cloak and Nyx popped his head back out.
"Let's go."


I stepped into the brightly lit market place.
The energy that expelled from the townspeople was energetic and lively. Nyx stuck his head back out, happily panting at the excitement.
I giggled softly, removing my hood to better look out at the different fruit stands as we walked.
Asra and I would come here every other day with Faust and Nyx to buy produce or see the little theater at the end of the block.

There was a time when Wizards and Witches were hated and threatened, when Count Lucio was reigning over Vesuvia. He apparently couldn't stand when there was someone more powerful than him.
So anyone caught practicing magic besides his own wizard would be executed by fire.
Asra has told me stories about him in the past.
I'd hate to meet him if he were still alive today.
Now the mystic arts are more appreciated and accepted, not that we should be parading around shouting that we're magicians.

"Eva! Over here!"
I spun on my heel seeing the town baker waving to me from afar. I smiled and jogged over with Nyx.
The baker stood there with open arms and I gladly hugged him back, the smell of flour and fresh bread was aromatic and comforting.
"How's my best customer?" He asked patting my back and he pulled away laughing.
"I'm doing well sir." I smiled and he chuckled removing something from a warm cloth.
"I had a fresh loaf just come from the oven."
Nyx salivated at the sight as the warm spicy sweet scent of pumpkin bread engulfed my nose.
My stomach grumbled at the sight and he sliced it in half like he usually did for Asra and I.
"Where's your shadow huh?" I looked up at him as he handed me my half in a cloth.
"I would say you both are joined at the hip. Wherever you are, he's not too far. Off on another quest is he?" I nodded blushing at his comment.
"Yes. He'll be back in a few days." The baker chuckled before dusting his hands off.
"Well I'll make sure to have a fresh loaf waiting!"
I giggled, thanking him for my share as I pulled a few coins from my satchel as payment.
He shook his head and waved me off.
"On the house." I smiled warmly.
"Thank you so much sir. Have a blessed day."

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