Your Costume's Not Very Good.

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Megan shook her head in incredulity as her boyfriend sauntered down the pathway, munching on a Twix bar while he held his overflowing jack-o-lantern bowl against his chest. "Have you no shame?"

"Not when it comes to candy, no," he said simply, through a mouthful of chocolate.

"Excuse me," Pete felt a tug on the hem of his leather jacket, and the both of them turned around to be met by group of three kids, all dressed as various monsters, clutching barely-filled candy bowls.

"Oh, hey, little guy," Pete smiled at the little boy.

"That lady said that you took all the candy," the boy said, pointing at the couple Pete had just compelled into giving him the treats.

"Oh, uh," Pete's face fell and he stammered as he looked into his full bowl of candy, "Well, I could share some with you guys?"

"Would you really?" the little kids' eyes lit up, bringing a grin to Pete's face.

"Yeah, of course. Here," he knelt down so that he was eye level with the children, "help yourself."

The group let out a gleeful cheer and immediately dug into Pete's bowl, grabbing whatever they could get their tiny hands on.

"Thanks, mister!" the boy gave him a huge smile, which he returned.

"No problem, buddy," he chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Hey, what are you supposed to be?"

"Me? Oh, I'm a vampire."

The boy gave him a disbelieving look. "Your costume's not very good."

"Oh, yeah?" Pete raised an eyebrow before closing his eyes for a second. When he opened them again, they were glowing bright red.

Megan and the kids let out a collective gasp. Her, because her boyfriend had fundamentally just outed himself to a group of children, and them, because they were hectically in awe.

"No way!" one of the other boys shouted in amazement.

"That's not all." Pete opened his mouth slightly, and slowly, his fangs extended out of their hiding place in his upper gums.

The kids lost their minds at this, jumping up and down and yelling excitedly. Pete simply laughed at them, while Megan gawked on in horror.

"Relax, doll," he reassured her, pecking her lips. "They're just kids. No one will believe them if they said anything."

"Yeah, but still," she argued. "Do you really think it's a good idea to expose yourself like th-"

"And check this out!" Pete said, jumping up and using his super speed to run around the entire neighbourhood. "Who wants a ride?"

All three of them started yelling a chorus of 'Me! Me! Me!', each of them attempting to climb onto Pete's back first.

"Pete, are you insane?" Megan questioned hysterically, waving her arms about.

"Babe, chill out. You can have a ride too, if you want."

Megan stood there spluttering like an idiot, while Pete averted his attention back to the kids, who were all three hanging from his body.

"Quick! Let's go before the mean lady tries to ruin our Halloween fun!"

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