Emperor's New Skin. (Part 2) (B. Urie x Reader)

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note: part 1 can be found in Emo Quartet Imagines: Volume I.
it's important that you read it first. x

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"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Dallon asked, concern evident on his face and in his voice as he sat on Brendon's sofa, watching anxiously while his friend gussied up in the hallway mirror.

"Dude, for sure," Brendon scoffed cockily.

Pouting his lips and narrowing his eyes, he ran one hand through his low-hanging hair, swiping it to the side and puffing it up a little. Now satisfied with his appearance, he turned to look at Dallon.

"Chicks always dig Ryan," he reminded before walking over to the kitchen counter and whispering to himself, "Don't ask me why."

"I'm, like, ninety-nine percent sure that that's mostly because of the way he presents himself," Dallon countered, standing up and crossing over to his friend, "And no offence - but you're the exact opposite."

Brendon widened his eyes, threw out his arms and nodded. "And yet chicks dig me, too. Hence, Ryan's looks plus my personality, equals me having a hundred percent chance of scoring this girl."

The younger man clicked his tongue and pat his friend's arm playfully.

"C'mon. Let's go."

As Dallon watched Brendon - taking on the appearance of Ryan - open the front door and rush out, he shut his eyes and shook his head disdainfully.

"Honestly, why do I still hang out with him?"


Taking his change from the cab driver, Brendon thanked him and climbed out of the vehicle. Dallon exited the other side and walked over to join Brendon on the sidewalk.

The coffee shop was on the corner right in front of them; Brendon rubbed his hands together and breathed in deeply as he looked up at the sign.

"Alright. Game time."

Always the voice of reason, Dallon tried once more to dissuade his friend from going through with his awful plan.

"B, I really don't think this is a good idea," the taller man frowned worriedly, stuffing his hands in his coat pocket, "I mean she clearly said-"

"That she wasn't interested in me," Brendon finished, rolling his eyes, "Never said anything about Ryan, through."

"You have a problem."

"Not for long," Brendon smirked, wiggling his brows as he started forward, "Wait here. This will only take a minute."

Relenting, Dallon heaved the heaviest of sighs and made his way over to a nearby bench.

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