Pumpkin Boy. (teenage!D. Weekes x Reader)

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note: this ending is so terrible i'm so sorry

note: this ending is so terrible i'm so sorry

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"Fuck!" you swore, sucking on the thumb you had accidentally pricked with a pin as you and Sarah decorated her house. It was her annual Halloween party, and as her best friend, you were tasked with helping set up.

Sarah was busy spraying cobwebs into the corners, while you balanced on a barstool and pinned pumpkin fairy lights to the ceiling. "Tonight is gonna be so great!" Sarah enthused, "This is the first year everyone is able to make it."

You stopped what you were doing and stared incredulously at your friend. "Everyone?" Sarah nodded in response. "Even-"

"Yes, (Y/N) – even Dallon," Sarah grinned. You were about to jab back a reply, but were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

"We come bearing gifts!" Brendon yelled as he and Dallon entered, carrying two large pumpkins.

"And we carved them," Dallon informed, proudly showing off his masterpiece.

"Impressive," (Y/N) smiled, hiding the small blush that emerged when Dallon spoke. "Pop them on the side over there until we figure out where to put them." You gestured to the tables behind you, and Dallon gave a smile and a nod as he carried the jack 'o lanterns over.

You'd been crushing on the tall boy for what seemed like forever. From the moment you'd met, there had been an instant connection and ever since then, he was constantly on your mind. You would never admit it to his face, but you had always wanted more from him than just friendship.

"Need a hand?" his deep voice caught you by surprise and you jolted a little, causing the stool to wobble precariously. "Woah, careful there," he put his hand on your lower back, sending a shiver down your spine.

"Thanks," you breathed, stumbling down. "Would you mind finishing up here? I gotta put the finishing touches on the cupcakes and make the punch."

Dallon nodded, taking the pot of pins and string of lights from you. As he did so, your fingers brushed.

Electricity. Fireworks. Butterflies. All that jazz.

It was painfully difficult not to react, and you were that close to accidently revealing your feelings when Sarah swooped by and dragged you off with her. Once the two of you reached the kitchen, she rested her palms on the counter and looked at you with wide eyes.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" she whisper-yelled.

"Are you kidding?" you scoffed, "I can't do that!"

"Why not?" Sarah retorted. "I made the first move on Brendon and look where we are now!"

"That was an entirely different situation," you shook your head, walking over to gather the cupcakes from the cooling rack, "Plus, both of you knew how each other felt before you got together. It's the exact opposite with Dallon and I."

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