Memory of a comforting friend

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You remember it?
Tell me you do
You're my only safe place
Tell me you remember
When I walked over you

Over the light green soft moss
Over the dead leaves upholstering the ground
Over the warm sand of the path

Between the tall naked trees
Between the fluffy bushes
Between the wilted ferns

Under the grey cloudy sky
Under the hidden but still shiny sun
Under the dead branches that crackled the downy ceiling

Feeling your cold and gentle breath
On my hot cheeks, cold nose and dry lips

My whole face seeming like a desert being caressed by the most delicate and freezing breeze

Like you always did it
Warming me up when I felt cold
Chilling me when I felt warm
Soothing me when I felt tense

Allowing me to lose myself in you
In those different faces of yours

Summer with this sparkling green shining everywhere, overwhelming my spirit, filling it with happiness and hope,

Fall with all these warm and comforting colors, from scarlet to brown, with those shades of crepuscular orange and vivid yellow,

Winter with this velvety white shimmering powder, freezing my fingers pleasantly, all this milky snow illuminating my mind,

Spring with these renascent colors, from the yellow of the buttercups to the magenta of the buds, making my soul young again

All these seasons flowing by like the calm and clear river I used to walk nearby

All these seasons being the incarnation of the time that passes,
growing me old

You just restart your cycle of life over and over again, never getting tired of it, who would anyway?

This endless circle is the most beautiful thing ever created, and I wish I could enjoy it forever

I wish I could be as eternal as you are, Mother Nature

But I'm just a tiny unimportant human, in your big, consoling and perfect arms

And I just hope I didn't hurt those reassuring members too much, the short time I lived

Now I'm old, I'm just enjoying your solacing embrace

One last time.


Written on October 4th 2018, between 1am and 3am (*facepalm*)

This text is one of the first I wrote for that book so I don't really remember what time it was.
I got inspired by a literary movement from the nineteenth century which was really in vogue in France, it's called Romanticism.
I won't explain I'm not a French teacher, but the French literature from the 19th century is by far my favorite and the movements are varied.

I hope you like it.

Oh and you probably guessed I have a special affection for the nature.

And for you all obviously.

Thank you again for reading my writing 🌙

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