First times

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The first time I saw you
You were sitting at the bottom of the classroom,
Your face hidden by your black Puma sweater
Nervously shaking a pen between your fragile fingers

The first time I talked to you
Was when we were in the corridor
Talking about that science test
And, your face still eclipsed by
This damn dark jumper's shadow
You said you had completely
Messed it up

The first time I glimpsed your face
Was when I took a step towards you
And said I totally failed as well
You looked up to me
You slightly let your lips bending
To give me that subtle, soft smile
You were breathtakingly pretty

The first time I saw your features
Was when I was getting out
Of that oppressive classroom
And you ran towards me saying
You had a bad grade at that
Bloody science test and
Your hood wasn't hiding your face

The first time you smiled
Was when I told you I had got
A shitty grade as well
You just laughed and smiled
So wide, for the first time
I got lost in that sudden radiance
And the blazing joy on your visage

The first time I heard something
Else than a grumbling coming from
Your cracked and pale lips
Was when we told one another
The mess we wrote on our papers
The sweetest and most intoxicating Note reached my shivering hears

The first time I saw you cry
Those translucent pearls rolling
On your reddened cheeks
Like two wet scarlet roses
It was that time you were called "Misanthrope", so I held you so
Tight that this loneliness flew away

The first time I did a good thing
To you, to make you feel good,
But not only for that, also because
Gosh can't you see it? I love you
So much, I'm crazy about you
I couldn't put my passion in this
so I just kissed sweetly your soft lips

The first time you aligned
Those three words for me,
My heart skipped a hundred beats
My whole world stopped, just
To appreciate that moment
You holdin' a crying me in your arms

The first time I made love to you
It felt like the entire universe didn't Exist at all, and all that counted
At the moment, was us,
Your warm legs wrapped around my
Sweaty hips, our breaths merging
In a burning and amorous tornado

The first time I kneeled in front of
Your wonderful and incredible being
The first time I took your delicate Finger to pass the ring on it
The first time that little creature
Screamed between my arms
The first time we fought with him
The anger and the tears of ours,
The first time he quit the house
Leaving that big empty space

But those were last times too

And the last time you breathed
Here, laying in front of me
Aligning those three words
One last time for me
I knew I had lived the best life
With my only love.


Started on October 13th 2018, 02:45am
Finished on October 19th 2018 3:30am

That's the longest poem of my book right there. If you don't read the entire thing it's okay, it just took me a lot of time, but that's okay.

Find someone who treats you well, someone who makes you feel important, someone who makes you feel happy and relaxed.

You all deserve love and happiness

Thank you again for reading me.

I will probably be inactive soon bc I don't have inspiration anymore. Probably.


Late nights | poetryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ