Don't leave me

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i know i'm not perfect

and i never will be

no one is like that

even if they pretend to be

i know i'm hard to handle

but no one looks out for me

i know i'm no angel

i don't expect to be

but what should i do

if you abandon me

i need you

even if you don't need me

i'll miss you

when you don't miss me

i love you

even when you hate me

if you don't want my apology

that's fine with me

hurt me as you may

i'm fine as fine as i'll ever be

don't abandon me

even if you lose hope

without you

i can't cope

you are the one

who wanted to help me when it was futile

the one who tried to make me have fun

and enjoy my life even if it was brutal

sorry for saying sorry

a few hundred times

sorry for sounding like a dummy

even if it was for thousands of lines

i'm sorry if you don't want to help me

and sometimes you leave me

i just can't be happy

if the world hurts me

you may say it's all in my head

but to me

monsters don't sleep under the bed

they sleep in my head instead

sorry for writing what you don't want to hear

but don't worry

this won't make you shed more tears

you're not hearing this

you're reading it

and if you don't like it

delete it

if you like it

save it

if you hate it

destroy it

if you want it

keep it

it's for you anyway

if you even want it

and i...

well hey!

i'm alive

aren't i?

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