First impressions matter, Courtney

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Adore's POV:
Today was the first day of school, and obviously I was nervous- but not really. Almost all my friends stayed, and I don't think I can name one who moved, so they have a chance if being in my class! Party! I walked to the bus stop and saw a puny sixth grader waiting for the middle school bus. I looked her up and down angrily, noticing she had worn the exact same flannel as me.

The high school bus got to the stop first, and I no longer had to wait in misery next to the girl who stole my flannel. I would now hate her for the entire year, and don't call me a negative Nancy, I already know. I skipped up the bus stairs, plopping down into a seat by Bianca, who returned the pleasurable mood of leaving the sixth grader with a eye roll. "I'm mad." I exclaimed looking out the window in dismay. "Why?" Bianca looked out the window as well, and the bus began to move. "She wore the same flannel as me." I told her looking at the large window at the back of the bus.

Bianca and I walked into school, luckily being placed in the same homeroom and gym/health class. We stopped by the library because we had been told by the students in this grade last year that Ms. Bo'nina Brown made the kids silently read a lot throughout the day. Bianca grabbed a large novel off the shelf and stuffed it in the librarian's face. The girl liked to read, both ways. I grabbed a book after a long couple minutes of searching, and took it up to the librarian, Bianca stood waiting for me, book in hand. After checking out I walked over to her. The book she was holding was called 'Sleep Walker' and mine was called 'Reading is Fundamental' "I got this huge book, and I don't know why, but you know-" Bianca raised the book in her hand as I cut her off. "This is the infamous book I lost last year." I told her, taking out a bookmark with a glittery mermaid tail print on it in teal.

Ms. Bo'nina Brown stood at the chalk board holding a meter stick that pointed to the word: SCIENCE. She stood there until confirming with herself that everyone arrived. She went to her desk without a word and pulled up a power point, that had one specific slide as the beginning. "SEX CELLS" It read, with a photo of a sperm and egg at the bottom. "Alright class," She got up and slammed the door shut, pulling a tea bag from her back pocket. She walked to a random coffee machine in the room and placed her cup under it, pressing the button for just warm water. "Today we will be learning about sex cells." She exclaimed, picking up the meter stick, slamming it into the word "Sperm" and dropping the stick right after. I winced as it hit the floor, creating a loud noise when it fell. She didn't bother picking it up, instead she slid it to the wall with her foot and went to her coffee machine.

"Daily question!" She announced, pulling the coffee mug off the machine and setting it on her desk. "What's the best thing you did this summer?" She asked the class. "I KNOW!" An Australian voice said, I knew it had been my friend from last year, Courtney Act. "Shopping!" She said happily, placing a pink gel pen with a koala pencil topper on her desk. "Delano?" She read off the name list that had been clipped to the board. "I had gotten some nice pizza in my body." I told the class, shrugging. "Kameron Michaels?" She asked. "I had some normal soccer games." She announced beating a pencil against her desk. "Oh, normal compared to space, huh?" A girl with a neon purse sitting in front of her said. There was a tag on the purse was saying "Bob" So it must have been her name. A girl with an Anime T-shirt raised her hand. "Kim?" Ms. Bo'nina Brown asked, unsure of if she called on the right girl. "That's me! And I just watched a ton of Anime!" The girl chirped back, smiling. "Alright, Bianca?" I turned my head to Bianca who just sat there thinking before telling the teacher "Nothing." A laughed and got shushed by Ms. Bo'nina Brown. "I have a question!" A girl with dark hair and a beauty mark who I knew as Dela, said raising her hand. "Yes?" Ms. Bo'nina Brown asked her. "Can we just call you Ms. BB?" Dela questioned. "Sure, bb." Ms.BB told her winking in a sarcastic way.

Ms. Bo'nina Brown grabbed a laser pointer and turned out the lights. A small red dot appeared on the board. "OMG!" Trixie Mattel had shouted in text language. "THAT LOOKS LIKE MATH!" "It's not math, buddy." Some russian girl who has such a long name that I had forgotten said, patting her back. "Everybody say SPERMMMMM." Ms. Bo'nina Brown told the class, putting the laser on the photo. Most of the class had said it normally, others, including me just laughed it off. "Great." Ms. Bo'nina Brown said flicking the lights back on. She grabbed her hot mug of water and her Tea bag, them held it up under the weird thingy that put it on the board like a video. "This is the sperm." She said, raising the tea bag. "This can be the egg." She dropped the bag in the water. "Now they make a cell that is part of one organelle and part of the other, and they have a total of 46 chromosomes. That's the tea." She turned the screen back to her power point.

"Now, before I turn this into a sex ed class," Ms. Bo'nina Brown looked at the class and flicked the lights out, followed by switching the slide. "We will be filling out the vocabulary." There was a long list of words on the board. "I hope I don't break your hands with writing, because I'm not willing to pay your parents with my income, no ma'am." She told us, walking over to drink her tea. The bell rang and most students got up to go to the door. "THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU!" Ms. Bo'nina Brown shouted to the class. "you do." Some students said, remembering a quote most teachers use at this school. "Great, now most teachers would give you smarties as a reward for being "Smart" but I don't like that because all the dumb kids get treated. So, today I'm handing out airheads, because that's what you all are until proven to be "SMART". " She told us tossing different colored candies to kids in the class. "Sorry about the mystery flavor, because the company never told us what flavor they were supposed to be, so good luck guessing, anything is accurate at this point, and that's what you seem to think with your grades." She shuffled to her desk and scrolled through power point slides, purposefully putting it on the slide "SEX CELLS".

"Get lost, losers." She told us, shoving some students out the door. The girl with the neon purse picked up her supplies and stood by the door frame, placing her purse in front of her body. "PURSE FIRST, PURSE FIRST, WALK INTO MATH PURSE FIRST!" She announced going to her next class. I met up with Courtney by the lockers. "G'day!" She gave me a large smile whilst putting a sparkly notebook in her locker. "Hey," I told her, unlocking my own locker. Ours had been next to each other, luckily. "I don't really think that blonde girl was being that nice to me earlier." Courtney whispered, slightly pointing her head to a girl with a shirt that had "WILLAM, 13" It was a football jersey. "What did she do?" I asked, directing my attention back to my aussie friend. "Made fun of my accent." She pouted, locking her locker. I laughed and did an impression of her. "Well you were telling me how pretty her makeup was last summer, mate." Courtney and I hung out over the summer. Sh made a angry face. "She is beautiful," She looked at the football player lovingly. "Maybe first impressions don't count?" She asked me. "First impressions do count, Courtney." I rolled my eyes. "And that right there is Willam. Your first impression with her was 8th grade, homecoming dance, fruit punch, pink dress." Courtney blushed. She hadn't remembered that time when Willam spilled punch on her and offered to buy her a new pink dress.

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