Google Classroom

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3rd Person POV:

Alaska, the history teacher, who went by just Alaska because she had the same last name as Sharon( ;) ) decided to make a history Google Classroom for her different bells. She told her students to log into Google, and accept the classroom request.

Willam was the first to get in. She scrolled down to the newest assignment posted. She then commented.

Willam Belli: Hello?
Willam Belli: Someone answer meh plz
Willam Belli: plz
Willam Belli: Answer meh
Bianca Del Rio: Hi?
Bianca Del Rio: Willam, please stop.
Adore Delano: Itz yo girl Adore
Kim Chi: I is here
Jujubee: I is here, too.
Adore Delano: No way Ms Jujubee
Bianca Del Rio: No way, Ms. Jujubee?!?!***

Jujubee was also a history teacher, just in a different class. Ms. Royale ran into her class room. "Where's Belli?" She shouted, holding the round door nob in one hand. The students looked around the room. "She's in Alaska's class." Jujubee told her, opening Google Classroom on the computer. Ms. Royale left, apparently you were not aloud to comment on Google Classroom.

Jujubee turned on the projector so that people could see the comments. She cleared her throat. "Hello?" She said, in a low voice. "Someone please answer me. Please? Answer me." She then changed tones to a more serious, yet annoyed one. "Hi? Willam, please, stop." The class laughed as the read the comments doing impressions of the students. "It's your girl, Adore!" She shouted, in an overly preppy tone. "I is here." She emphasized the words, trying to form a fake lisp. "What should I say?" She asked the class, resulting in a response to the last message, I is here, too.

Alaska was sitting at her desk, randomly writing music, when Ms. Royale burster through the doors. "Belli?!?!" She shouted, and the class turned to Willam. Willam however, looked directly at Bianca, as if trying to blame her. Latriece stole Willam's planner, and wrote a note to her parents.

Then for half the class, Alaska tortured the class with a lesson about not commenting on the Google Classroom posts.

After the 'lesson', Alaska decided to spend the last couple minutes reading stupid laws in different states. "I am confusion." Kim stated, looking at the photo of Arkansas on the board, the stupid law about to be shown on screen. "Why is there Kansas but not Are-kan-sas?" Then Alaska clicked the board, revealing the law. "Arkansas must be pronoun ed correctly. If pronounced wrong, you can be fined and it spend 7+ days in prison." Alaska read to the class.

Naomi turned to Kim. "Good luck being a criminal." She said, patting Kim on the back, who just pouted. "Next!" Detox screeched. "Alaska, how ironic." Bianca said, looking at the screen. Alaska clicked the button, and the law appeared on the board. "In Alaska, it is illegal to get drunk in bars." Alaska read aloud to her class. "How even more ironic." Adore said, trying to copy the way Bianca had. "What's ironic?" Gia asked. "A word." Darienne answered, writing something down.

"Class dismissed!" Alaska yelled, walking to the door and pushing it open. "Class doesn't end for five more minutes." Bianca stated. "Well get away then." Alaska said, ushering students out the classroom doors.

Most girls in the grade that these teachers taught were now headed to the least favorite- for most students- class. Health. The health teachers were Ms. Royale, Ms. Davenport, Ms. Betty, and Ms. Thor, also known as Latriece, Kennedy, Acid, and Thorgy. Alyssa Edwards, was the physical education teacher, she only signed up for the dance unit in gym class. Half girls went to health, the others went to gym. Alyssa, everyday in gym class had a 'warm-up' where she would turn on Just Dance and have her classes dance to it. She still used Just Dance 2015, so you can imagine what kind of music played there.

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