Oh, it's a hoe.

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3rd Person POV:

Nina got ready for her next bell, bell 3. Her first 2 bells she was a science teacher, but for some reason, Th had been stupid, and have her a history class for bell 3. As a Ruview (haha) the class was going to study archaeology. She had planned a while activity, too. As the class filed in, she pulled up a website for digging up artifacts online.

Nina's POV:

"Yes, Blair?" I asked. She raised her hand while I was trying to pull up the lesson for today. "Uh, I have a question about your Meiosis lesson from bell 1." "Go ahead," I told her, the stupid internet being slow as I spoke. "Is that happening all the time, the cell reproduction?" She asked. I was taken a bit aback. "I hope it's not because if so, we are going to have a long talk." I chuckled to myself, some of the dirty minded children snickered, Blair still through my confused. "Oh! Is it question time?" Gia Gunn asked out of no where. "Because if so, I have one." Well, I don't remember calling on her. "Do people actually live in Wyoming?" Was this girl for real? "Yes," I rolled my eyes, turning on the projector. "I believe it's inhabited."

"Alright, I don't understand the rules of this game well, so we are going to go through this together." I moved the no use to a random displayed dig site. The thing was called a 'virtual dig' whatever that meant. Alaska, the announcement person, the one who writes the announcement scripts for any students participating that day, and starts the announcements, walked in. "Yet another dig!" She exclaimed, looking at the board. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Pearl is in the office right now, just wanted to tell you that she didn't run off, she actually went there." And with that she left. "Okay, class." I clicked on the random patch if dirt that the website called a dig site. "Lets find some artifacts!" I said, enthusiastically. Some students had laughed in response. "Oh." I said dramatically, as the artifact we dug up appeared on the screen. "It's a hoe." A wooden garden hoe appeared in the dirt pile. All the students laughed about it, except Blair. She still had no idea what was going on.

"This game is so unrealistic," Laganja commented. "Why is that?" I asked, pulling my hand from the computer mouse. "You dig up the hoe, and then you put it in the bag. How does it fit, mama!" She popped her tongue, signalling the end of her sentence. "Yeah, Delano!" Darienne had shouted from across the room. "GET IN THE BAG!" The entire class laughed, except Blair and Adore. Well, I'm sending another student to the office. "Darienne, get up here," I said, yet again grabbing an office slip. I wrote her name in it. "What?" She asked, rudely. I handed her the paper and literally pushed her out the door.

Adore didn't show that she was offended, but she looked somewhat upset by it. I was about to play and archaeological video I found in the deepest depths of you tube, when a short girl with tall hair walked in, she had been in my first bell. "Yes, Bianca?" I asked, annoyed. She crossed her arms, in which they held a library book, that hadn't been the one she brought to class. "Well one of these bit- I'm sorry, kids, left a book in Ms. Needles' debate class." Oh girl, I almost got away with sending a third girl to the office by dropping the b bomb! No cursing in my class, no ma'am! Bianca walked to Adore's desk, and slid the book over to her. "Good job, you've lost it twice now." Then she headed out. Adore smiled, but then went back to the sad expression she once had. Ugh, I hated dealing with kid's feelings. "Adore, see me in the hall, please." I asked, as Bianca left the room. Adore nodded, and grabbed her fishnet glove that she had been fidgeting with.

"Did what Ms. Lake say hurt tour feelings?" I asked, Bianca still in the hall, walking to her class with Sharon. Adore didn't say anything until she was gone. "Kind of?" She said it as if she was unsure of herself. "Yes or no?" I asked. "Yeah..." she rubbed her neck. "Alright, I can try to get her suspended. Get in the room." She nodded and walked in, me following behind. I was hit in the face with a piece of paper as soon as I stepped door in that classroom. "WHOEVER THREW THAT PAPER-" I shouted to the class.

"Ew." Gia exclaimed, dragging the syllables. "What now?" I asked, walking to her desk. "There is a cheese stick wrapper on my desk." Gia stuck a finger at the garbage. Whoever littered in my room was going to pay. I grabbed the wrapper, and walked to the chalk board in my room, clipping it to A magnet which hung above the homework, written in chalk. "That's from my third bell," I explained. "I'll talk to them about it, later."

"Oh, I forgot! I have a video to show you!" I had a video about climate/environments that may help my class, but at this point nothing could. I clicked of the lights, and played the video.

The class erupted with laughter, this time, Blair included. I heard a puking sound when I headed to the light switch. "What the-" I turned around and saw Detox barfing up a storm. "I'm sorry!" Roxxxy exclaimed. "I just dared her to eat expired chicken with buffalo sauce, that's all!" That's all, oh yeah, that all. "Ugh, let me dill out a hall pass, she can visit Jinkx and Ivy in the nurse's office." I sat down and wrote a paper, then handed it to her. "Farewell, zebra." I commented as she left.

I picked up the school phone in my classroom and called for a janitor. "Hi, this is Nina, can you send Stacey down, I had a vomit incident." I spoke into the speaker. "Yes, Ms. Matthews is on her way." Whoever was on the other line replied. The bell rang, and students sat in silence. "Well, leave!" I shouted, resulting in the high schoolers fighting on who got out first.

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