Trick or Treat

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3rd Person POV:

Willam, the Pillsbury Dough Boy, unlike the other girls, decided to go Trick or Treating when night came along. Willam had a large blow up suit with clothing on that had stuffing under it. She looked... special.

She had a pink plastic pumpkin candy pail, and skipped down the side walk. Imagine seeing that on Halloween night.

Willam wasn't that stupid, she knew that if you had your porch lights on that you had candy, but when she found a house with no lights on, she walked up to it. This was because she thought that she knew whoever lived in the house was hiding his or her candy.

Willam rang the doorbell, and more unexpectedly than Laganja walking into class dressed as a giant weed leaf, Ms. Bo'nina Brown opened the door. She gave Willam an unpleasant expression as the girl stood outside her home, pink candy pail and all. "Hi." She exclaimed, holding out her candy pail. Nina continued to give her a glare, but walked into the kitchen and grabbed a slip of paper, handing it to Willam.

The paper said:

Name: Willam
Teacher: Ms. Nina Bo'nina Brown
Reason: Coming to my door dressed as the Pillsbury Dough boy
Date: 31/10/18

Willam handed the note to a random kid, and ran away. She was not accepting that office referral.

Willam stopped at Courtney's house, where she knew her friends would be for the party. She knocked, and waited for a bit. Then Adore came to the door. "Party!" She shouted over Pearl's loud music. "Yes," Willam said. "Yes, I know this is a party." Adore rolled her eyes and made space to allow Willam to walk in.

"Guys!" Courtney shouted, turning down Pearls music. "Hey." Pearl said to Courtney. "Sorry," Courtney told her. "Anyways, let's play sleepover games!" She exclaimed. "Baloney! We have school tomorrow!" Bianca shouted, crossing her arms. "Whatever." Laganja said, stuck in the door frame due to her costume. Bianca gave Laganja a glare. "I'm glad you're stuck there, because if you weren't already, I'd push you in." Bianca retorted, turning to the crowd. "You can always leave, Bianca." Trixie said, shrugging. "No!" Adore pushed her way up to Bianca and hugged her. "No you can not." She said. "Well, I guess I have to stay now." Bianca crossed her arms. "Perfect!" Courtney shouted. "Look what I found!" A Russian voice exclaimed. Everyone faced Katya, who was holding a large bottle of alcohol. "Where-" Violet tried to say, but was cut off by Courtney. "Yay! Let's play spin the bottle!" Bianca declined, so she sat on the couch, behind the other girls.

Courtney spun the bottle around, and around, then it landed on the Pillsbury Dough boy herself. Everyone started laughing, Courtney's face bright red. Willam shrugged and tried to scoot closer to Courtney, but her blow up suit was too big. Courtney crawled over to Willam, and the two shared a kiss, Adore clapping obnoxiously loud.

Bianca pulled out her phone and just scrolled through whatever to pass time. "NEXT!" Willam shouted, spinning the bottle. It landed on Katya, in which Katya's response was saying that she didn't speak english, of course, in Russian, but everyone knew that was a lie. Katya finally gave in and kissed Willam for literally 0.00001 seconds, then she spun the bottle.

It landed on Trixie, and with no hesitation, Katya immediately kissed her, leaving Trixie and the group of girls around them shocked.

Trixie had to kiss Dela, Dela had to kiss Adore, Adore then kissed Courtney, who kissed Katya, then followed by a whole loop of possibilities. Dela, on her third time spinning the bottle, once again landed on Adore, so the two kissed. Then, Katya, who sat in front of Bianca and next to Willam and Trixie, got up to use the bathroom.

Adore grabbed the bottle and spun it around. The bottle stopped, and directly pointed where Katya, was, facing Bianca. Bianca, still scrolling through her phone was completely oblivious to the fact that Trixie was literally pushing Adore over to her.

Adore finally caved in, tapped Bianca on the shoulder, and then kissed her when she turned around. "I SAID I WASNT PLAYING!" Bianca shouted, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Willam. "OH YOU WANNA GO?!?!" Willam shouted, attempting to peel herself from the ground.

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