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For ever chapter from here on I will add a picture to describe it.

3rd Person POV:

Ginger Minj was hired as a substitute for Ms. Davenport's health class. Her students list was long, so she didn't read it. Instead, when the tardy bell rang, she just asked if everyone was there. Surely enough, no one was absent, yet Eureka was late.

"Alright, girl, I wasn't left a lesson plan so... Imma just tell y'all a little story, 'kay?" Agreement speeches filled the class, some students just nodding in response. "Great!" Ginger turned in the projector and placed her phone under it. She showed the class all her apps, giving a phone tour, before finally opening photos.

"Alright, so yesterday, I was like 'girl I need to be more healthy!' So I went to Olive Garden." Ginger pulled up a photo of a car's license plate. "Now, when I left, this car was in front of me! Isn't that somethin'!" Ginger exclaimed, pointing to the car. The license said "BHEALED" with random numbers on it. "Now, listen y'all. I thought this was great because I was trying to be healthy, and healed has heal in it, which is the beginning of healthy! It was basically a message sent by God himself! It was saying to me, be healthy!" Ginger grabbed a cup of sugary coffee from Starbucks, which was next to a cupcake and bag of cool ranch Doritos. It had been her second cup of coffee.

"May I use the restroom?" Trixie shouted to the teacher. With a mouth full of chips, Ginger replied. "Yeah, sure, whatever." But with the junk food in her mouth, it sounded more like: "Ya shhh rah whu ta eva." Trixie grabbed the bathroom pass and exited the classroom.

Trixie walked down the hall and stopped by the bathroom door, waiting for her best friend, and crush, Katya.

Katya walked up to the bathroom and the girls immediately began to converse as they walked into the restroom together.

A loud alarm sounded around the entire school building, and a freshman, who was also the lead of cheer squad, ran up to every classroom shouting, "Fire drill, fire drill, there's no time! Single file in the line!" (Yes I know that is from an old Barbie movie, it was my childhood okay.)

Her name was Valentina, Katya and Trixie knew this because she is Violet's neighbor. The girls rushed out of the bathroom and followed Valentina down the hall way.

The entire school was stood outside, when a fire truck pulled up to the scene. A few moments later, one of the fire fighters came up to the different grade groups holding a pink curling iron. It must have been the cause of the fire, seeing as it had  A frayed wire and ashy edges.

The fire fighter finally approached where Trixie, Katya, and most of their friends stood. The curling iron wasn't anyone's, which was weird.

Willam came running from inside the school. "Guys!!! I can't find my curling hair wand thing a ma bob!" She shouted, leaving only one culprit. It was Willam, in the school, with the curling iron.

Willam got 5 weeks of detention, and 3 of ISS, if you didn't know, meant in school suspension. She was also grounded by her parents, and fined by the fire department.


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