Sue Me

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Nina's POV: (Ms. Bo'nina Brown)

"Who names their kid Dicky?" One of my students asked her lab partner. I think her name was like Brianna or something, but I didn't care at the moment. I sipped my tea listening to the conversations.

"It's like 'COME ON DICKY TIME FOR DINNER! WE'RE HAVING CHICKEN!'" Ooh, girl sue me cause this tea is hot. "I'd name my kids John, John, and uh, Peter. Yeah, Peter." Her partner responded. Wow that's not complicated for your non existent kids, now is it?

I checked my seating chart to see what these girls were named. Aquaria Needles and Miz Brianna Cracker. Okay.

"I'd name mine Dicky." She answered to her partner, who hadn't even asked. I sipped my tea and leaned back. I guess Bell 2 is getting graded based on how hot the tea is now.

I looked at the next set of partners, then my seating chart. Trinity Taylor and Eureka O'hara. "You know what?" The one I think was Trinity said to who I assumed was Eureka. "What." The- You know what, I'm not gonna be nice, the fatter one.

The fatter one said. Sorry, sue me. "I have an 'I ♡ Booty' poster on my wall." Trinity said, flinging a grape Welches fruit snack across my room. I didn't care. More mouse friends, yay.

Alright, next table. Thorgy Thor and Acid Betty. "NO! I didn't test it because I broke my violin!" Girl what- Thorgy was the one who said it, judging by my seating chart.

Acid Betty pulled out a piece of notebook paper and placed a neon gel pen on top of it. She then slid her green binder under the desk. "I'm drawing you as a mermaid." She said with no emotion what so ever, but alright, you do you girl. "Hacking?" Thorgy asked, looking at the pen. Some of these girls were actually stupid. How did she get 'hacking' from 'drawing'??!

"I'm cold." A tired voice sounded in the room. I took my outstretched legs off the desk and checked the seating chart. Pearl Liaison and Violet Chachki.

"I'm hot." The dark haired girl pulled off a pair of rose gold and black, somewhat triangular sunglasses to go with her statement. Alright. I feel you. I saw.. hold on. Alright, from my seating chart, it seems to be Aja.

I saw Aja dipping a tea bag in and out of a mug. I had no idea where she got that, but I felt her. I sipped my tea and checked the next table. Detox and Roxxxy. I'm too lazy to read last names now. Can't wait for bell 3.

"DON'T TOUCH MY HIGHLIGHTERS!" The girl with greenish yellow hair shrieked, earning the attention of every student. "Well, don't touch ME then!" The other crossed her arms.

Well- next group. Oh, next table is a lonely little island. The unfortunate kiddo, Willam, sat beating her pencil with a ball point pen in pink. "Shush with your hotdog!" She told whatever was under her desk.

Did that girl bring, like, a cat or something? I looked at the pink bag under her desk, and saw a  pair of shoes sticking out of it. She was talking to her shoes. Even better! More weirdos!

An alarm randomly sounded from my phone. Alrighty then, I didn't set one, but whatever. I was going to turn it off, but then I saw one of my students, Shangela, doing the orange justice to the alarm.

I only knew her name because I was in touch with her mom, Alyssa, also known as Ms. Edwards, who was the gym/dance coach. Next table! Grading these kids is hard work! Whew!

Darienne and Gia. "Is that a pig?!?!" The more skinny, dark haired one exclaimed, pointing to a printed photo in the other's book. "No, it is not a pig." The other retorted. "It's an elephant." Sharon Needles just walked into my classroom without warning.

Excuse me, wow. "Is my mouth bleeding?" She asked me. "Mom!" Aquaria exclaimed. "Not now, honey. Nina! Is my mouth bleeding!?!" She asked, loudly, pulling her bottom lip down, where blood literally spilled out.

"Uh, yeah I think so." I told her, fixing my sex cells power point, that had somehow turned off. "Ok! Thanks!" Sharon said, smiling, to show off her stained red teeth. "You should go visit Jinkx and Ivy, get that checked." I told her, not picking up my eyes off the computer screen.

"Alright, I just asked because you're across the hall from me, and Phi Phi and I just got into another fist fight." She shrugged, exiting the classroom. "Teacher, I think I ate a pen." A dumb sounding, dark haired girl said to the class.

"Uh, what?" I asked looking at Gia Gunn. "I think I ate my pen." Darienne rolled her eyes. I examined the scene. "No. I don't think you did. Get back to work." I went over to my desk.

"What exactly are we working on?" Aja asked, without being called on. "Tea. You are going to be graded on your tea today, because I'm bored." I kicked back in my leather rolling chair, and landed butt first on the cold tile floor.

Laughter erupted from my class. I stood up with a piece of paper in my hand. The main source if giggles came from a blonde, Pearl Liaison. "Pearl." I told the class, writing on the paper. "Principal's office, now." I handed her the sheet. "Why-" she asked, but I interrupted. "Now." She left with the white sheet of paper. "Sue me." I mumbled as the bell rang.

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