Chapter 6

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"Hello Lena" I heard the person say in a cold voice...

"Mother what a pleasant surprise!" Lena said with an eye roll. Supergirl was still seething behind lena with her hands curled up in fist. "I have came to talk but it seems that you have other company" Lillian said looking now over Lena's shoulder where kara is staring daggers at her.

"Yes mother it seems that I do but if you wanted to tell me something you can tell me when Supergirl's here right" lena said with a raised eyebrow. Unknown to her kara was behind her looking smug,While lillian was looking disgusted.

"Lena you aren't suppose to side with people like her" stretching the word people. Kara has heard enough and was about to give her a piece of her mind, when lena puts her hand on top of hers calming her down. "Mother I think you should leave before I call up the security" Lena said calmly with a cold tone.

"You'll see that all aliens are evil and will come work for me" Lillian said walking out with a smirk painted on her lips. When the door clicks shut lena sighs and turns to supergirl. "I'm sorry you had to be here and hear what my mother has said to you" Lena said with sincerity in her voice.

Kara chuckled and waves her hand in the air. "It's okay lena I'm fine it isn't the first time she's threaten me" Kara said with a small smile. Then she turned her head to the side a little. "Okay, okay I'm coming jeez" she looked at lena apologetically then tapped the com in her ear.

"Sorry lena I have to go they're expecting me to come back, but I'll see you when I see you right?" she asked walking towards the balcony. Lena's right side of her lips twitched up in a small smile "oh you'll see me alright" she smirked to her self at that thought.

" Of course Supergirl, may we meet again, well when I'm not constantly trying to get assassinated by lunatics" Lena said with a amused tone. Kara hits her forehead and looks at lena. "Well I hope not see you lena" Kara said with a soft look and was about to take off, when Lena's voice stopped her in her spot.

"Thank you again for saving me Supergirl" Lena said with a small smile. Kara turned her head to lena and winked at her. "Always happy to help Ms. Luthor " Kara said teasingly without another word she took off into the night sky until she was a red and blue dot.

Lena just realized what Supergirl just said "It's Lena" Lena said but she was already gone out of sight. Lena started shaking her head amused. "What am I going to do with her?" Lena said into nothingness. Little did she know kara has heard everything lena has said and started chuckling to her self the whole way to the Deo.

What's up guys?
Guess what I'm still alive just school, classes, and three sets of stairs, I constantly have to go up and down but😓🙄... I'm alive 😊

Yah know what to do vote and comment and tell me you liked the new chapter. I'll see you later guys *snaps both fingers and does finger guns*😇💙😍❤

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