wowie two tags iris?!?!

48 10 24

tag from Rosa950

1. Vanilla or chocolate

dark chocolate > vanilla > white chocolate > milk chocolate

2. One bad habit?

checking discord wayyyy too often during homework ^^;

3. Something you hate?


i hate that i didn't know about saoshipping earlier

4. Anime boys or real?

Like which do i like better?


is pico pico even an anime

and it has no boys

so real i guess?

i don't watch anime sooooooooooo

5. Secret talents?

nothing secret i guess.

i mean i can play piano and violin but those aren't secret //shrugs//

6. Favourite food

Depends. ATM?


and this one bread that is v fluffy and soft

7. 3 pet peeves


1. someone neglecting to mention something v important (cough cough saoshipping)

2. a dirty anything,,,makes me want to hyperventilate. also i will refuse to touch it.

3. when there is no snack in the house

i live an insubstantial life okay

8. Favourite anime?

does pico pico count? (as in bandori)

9. 3 facts about myself

oh gosh this is hard

1. im an introvert but can be v v v loud + excited around my friends

2. i have a dog name shakespeare //sweats// very odd i know

3. my parents are divorcing? idk is that about me? lmao this isn't much of a fact because everyone reading this knows about it

10. Tag 15 people









ciao adios~

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