i can't be bother to get the picture so imma just write the questions

21 3 20

1. would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

so um nothing? sure ig

2. what's the closest thing to you that is red?

a pen

3. tell me about the last dream you remember having.

i don't usually remember my dreams but i'll tell you one i tell everyone.

i had a dream in which the dinosaurs on the wallpaper came to life

and this was at a birthday party

so all the moms hid under a table

and my dad picked me up and used me as a makeshift weapon

and attacked the dinosaur

...end of story

4. did you meet anybody new today?

no. im terrified of meeting new people.

5. what are you craving right now?

nothing tbh. but now that you have me thinking about it...

bibimbap. haven't had that in a while

6. what comes to mind when i say cabbage?

...cabbage tbh

7. what does your last text say?

"idk im trying to imagine you saying "the tea""

8. do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?

don't really eat ice cream but definitely lick

my teeth cannot stand the cold

9. do you like your hair?

yeah, pretty much. i've considered getting bangs but maybe over the summer

def not now when if i screw it up hundreds of people will see

10. do you like yourself?

mmm yeah. there are parts of me i wish could be better but that's with everyone

11. have you ever met a celebrity?

uh i think a football player came to my school once

can't remember though

12. do you like cottage cheese?

uhg i hate the texture

13. what are you listening to right now?

i've been listening to a lot of random kpop songs tbh

uh so rn i'm listening to good to be by seventeen

love the song though

14. how many countries have you visited?

er england, canada, china, some countries in the west bahamas

15. are you parents strict?

uh my mom has a no more than one hour of youtube a day policy

i don't play games anymore uh

and im pretty self-driven so

16. would you go sky diving?

yes pls take me i'd love to

17. is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?


18. who sits behind you in math class?

k the thing is there are six people in my class.

and we don't have assigned seats.

and we all sit in a semi-circle

so no one

19. do you own something from hot topic?

what's hot topic

20. have you every slapped someone?

no. i don't do physical abuse thanks

21. are you sarcastic

try and guess

22. do you have any tattoos?


i can't imagine a needle poking me like ten thousand times


23. where was your default picture taken at?


24. have you ever crawled through a window?


25. have you ever made a prank phone call?


once though someone called my friend

and the number was you know...that number

and it was kinda creepy ngl

the sound was weird

hAh doesn't tell me to tag someone

but OfficialRed- you're tagged CertifiedBreadstick just in case you never know

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