When your tired(At school)

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Maybe you'd got a bit over your head when watching Shane's new series and researching every little thing he did so you were up until five am in a ten page essay about the pros and cons of this YouTube character. It wasn't until you heard your alarm go off that you realised what time it was.

"Holy shit." You muttered as you realised today was not the best day to have no sleep by having maths, science, English and geography all in the same day with three pieces of homework due that you were supposed to be doing instead of writing an essay about Jake Paul that morphed into a YouTube rant that morphed into:
Are we twisting young children's minds with youtubers content that shouldn't be for children?

As realisation hit you like a truck you knew the you only had two options:
1. To convince your mum to let you have the day off -insert amazing acting skills here-
2. Fly yourself into the sun.

Considering your mum didn't let you have the day off unless your temperature was higher than what she cooked her turkey on Christmas you realised 2 would be the only logical explanation.

You started on your English homework scribbling down a paragraph about the hunger games and why Katniss should've gone with gale. It wasn't very tidy but you ended up shrugging at it. You started on your science homework which involved you writing down all the different elements on the periodic table and their groups and shells.

You were onto the Alakai metals when Kaden stormed in. "We're leaving in 5 YN-"
he trailed off looking at your unbrushed hair and pyjamas as you wrote down the correct information for sodium. "The bloody hell are you doing." He said munching on a piece of toast. "Science homework-now get out so I can get dressed." Kaden , gladly, left and left you pausing in between getting ready and writing pieces of your homework down.

You were half way through your maths when you heard your mum yell for you to come down stairs cause they were leaving. You scribbled the answer to the last question and crammed all your books inside your bag. The rush of panic and adrenaline hiding your hunger and tiredness.

~time skip brought to you by a nice comfy bed that YN would rather be in right now~

Nothing had ever annoyed you more than CN on this fine Tuesday. He was chipper and happy and ready to learn! You felt as if you wanted to vomit. The constant rumbles from your stomach made it impossible to concentrate and your eyelids dropping at any possible second made your head hurt as you tried to simplify fractions.

By lunchtime you were exhausted and hungry. You wolfed down your lunch making the others stare at you. "YN? Baby? Are you okay."
You hiccuped and gulped down water before letting out a throaty. "No."

"And why is-"
"I stayed up all night watching Shane Dawson's new series and then wrote a ten page essay about how Jake paul shouldn't be judged and the pros and cons of what he's done and YouTube manipulating children."
"I wanna read this essay." Kayleigh remarked.
"Ten pages? I don't."
"Then I realised I hadn't slept all night and had three pieces of homework to do in 20 mins and had to get dressed so I'm exhausted and have had no breakfast." You finished of by laying on CN's  shoulder. He rubbed your back but you could tell he was stifling a laugh. "Oh fuck it , go on laugh I don't care."
Everyone on your table started laughing loudly making the surrounding tables stare your way. "Okay shut up everyone's staring."
"Babe you look really pale you sure you don't want to go to sick bay?"
You waved your hand in front of your face. "Nah dude I'm okay I just need a nap."
You rested your head on his shoulder again and he didn't shake you off, he ran his fingers through your hair and placed a kiss on top of it.
"You didn't brush it very well."

Guess what happened to me today. I got a migraine in school

And I passed the fuck out in sick bay

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And I passed the fuck out in sick bay. I was just sleeping like
I own dis bitch

No one came in except for this one girl who nearly threw up on me.

No one came in except for this one girl who nearly threw up on me

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And I'm on my period

Yeah so my day was a shit show

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Yeah so my day was a shit show. How about yours?

Don't Forget to
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