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First of all, yes I've unpublished all the chapter. So.. memang itu  kenyataannya.
Yang tak sempat baca tu.. Allahu author minta maaf. Tapi author tak boleh nak published semua balik. Sikit2 je. Sebab author dah bagi notis 24hour++ untuk korang baca.

Pada reader lama2 author dulu.. sorry for the inconvenient notification pasal buku ni. No new chapter. Author ada lah edit2 sikit je. Thats all.

As you all know. This story will be published as in book. Insya Allah bulan 12 ni dah boleh buat edarannya. Jangan lah kecil hati dengan author ni.. or nak merajuk. Author buat ni because i love it. And im glad for you guys punya support. Dari bab 1 sampai bab 60. Author terharu actually and rasa bersalah bila terpaksa buat macam ni.

Pasal yang tak sempat nak baca tu.. author akan update but not all and mmg lambat lah. Sebab author sibuk sama. Nak stpm gais.. sakit kepala dah ni hahaha.

So please be more understanding for my situation.

Pasal buku tu.. nnt author akan update nnt.

Oh! Author bagi korang can la nak minta author update bab brapa. Specifically. Banyak orang pilih nak baca bab tu.. author akan update. Bonusnye.. pilihan bab yang korang nak baca tu author akan bagi 3 bab tambahan.

So rajin2 lah comment or bagi kerjasama. Vote more and comment your bab. Author akan published. For you guys sake.

Dont worry jugak.. author akan published gak scene2 tertentu. Okayy..

Thanks you for reading this and for all the support you've given to me.

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