Chapter 2

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I awoke to the sound of Frank talking as a door shut. I opened my eyes to see him talking to the kids as he walked in. "Hey Gee, your brother is here with all your things and Buddy." Frank said, sitting next to me. I slowly rose off the couch and stood up, stretching. 

"I will be right back" I said before walking outside. We were still in the same spot. I saw Mikey and Kristin with the dog and all of the stuff. "Hey guys" I said as I walked over to them, grabbing a few bags. Mikey walked to the bus with Buddy and as soon as Buddy saw the kids he was all over them. 

Frank awed. I smiled as I put the few bags I had under the couch. "My bag is under the bunks" Frank said, pointing further down the bus. I looked further down the bus and sure enough I could see a bag poking out from under one of the bunks.

I walked down that way and started shoving everything under the bunks. We could fix that later.


"Thank you guys so much" I said as I hugged them. "Anytime" They said. I hugged them tighter. Mikey was being stronger this time. "Gerard we have to go" I saw David peek out from the bus he was staying on. 

"That's my que" I chuckled sadly. "Call me okay" Mikey said. I nodded and hugged him again. "Take care of Frank. He really is a good guy." Kristin said. "I know." I chuckled and hugged her. They waved as I walked back to the bus. I turned one last time before blowing a kiss and entering the bus. 

Almost as soon as I was two feet on the bus, it started moving. I sat next to Frank, leaning my head on his shoulder. He was being oddly quiet. "What" I asked raising my head. "The kids want us to get married" Was all he said. When I asked anything else he didn't really answer.

"I guess I will be in the bunks when you actually want to talk to me" I said, getting up. I made my way over to one of the bunks and laid back. I pulled the curtain shut, putting my arms over my eyes. After what felt like forever, Frank pulled my curtain open. 

He climbed in and fell on top of me as he shut the curtain. "Hey"He said, moving my arms away from my eyes. "Are you going to talk to me now?" I asked. He nodded. "Sorry I didn't answer. I was thinking. What I was thinking was, what if we get fake married for the kids? It will be fake and instead of sliding on a wedding ring we can slide a promise ring on. It would be perfect." He said.

"Yeah, that sounds amazing and all but what about the time and place. You do realize we are touring right?" I asked. He nodded. "See that's why I was thinking. Our next stop is LA and we are staying there for a week. Maybe if we travel the extra half an hour or an hour we could go to one of those wedding places. We can make it look real for the kids by wearing the tuxedos and we can have the band members and producers be the people who stand next to us. It would be amazing." He said. 

I thought about it. "We don't have any rings" I said. "Yeah we do" He said, climbing off of me. He climbed out of the bunk and came back a few minutes later with 2 small boxes. He opened them and showed them both to me. He smiled when I looked at him.

"When did you get these" I asked grabbing the gold one. "Before I left. I as going to give the gold one to you before I left for tour but I couldn't find it. When I did end up finding it we were half way to our next tour stop." He explained.

"Alright fine. Lets get 'married'" I said. He squealed and kissed me. "Tell the guys what we are doing and see what they say while I call my brother" I said. He nodded and climbed out of the bunk. I walked out to the living area where the tv and couches were. 

I opened my phone to text Mikey but I saw I already had a text from him. 

Name is MkyWy1 video chat me when you can

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