An update

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I just wanted to update you on the last thing I put on here. I know it was really random and you were probably hoping for an update on the book. I am going to try and upload tonight but I am in marching band and its taking up all my time.

Anyway the update is that the guy I was with, we ended up breaking up. It took a huge tole on me and this other guy kept forcing himself on me. I kept telling him I wasnt ready. I needed time after that happened. I finally told him that I have had enough of him on saturday..........

Today I found out that he is a pedophile......... and this frustrates me because everyone knew what he was doing and they didnt warn me. Last year, just last year, an 18 year old, tried to steal a friend of mines girlfriend.....she was 13....I wish I knew this before i ended my relationship over it. 

I felt bad you know. I didnt want him to suffer. I didnt want my boyfriend to see me slowly drift away because I liked someone else. I didnt want that for him. He was so nice and sweet and I just couldnt do it. Anyway, just wanted to tell you about it cause it was random and I feel like I shouldnt leave you on a cliff hanger about that. 

Also his words not mine "They are easier to get to because they dont know what they are doing"

.................that had me speechless. anyway im signing off....... love you all

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