Halloween prt.2, Diego the Vampire

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As Peep and Diego made their way down the jack-o'-lantern and street lamp lit street, Peep noticed the vampire was smelling for something, he kept sniffing as if he was trying to pick a specific scent out of the night air.

‎"are you okay?" Peep asked softly, his new-found cat ears lowering to reflect his concern.

‎Diego looked at him, suddenly no longer attempting to find the scent.‎ His eyes flashed a strange red as he switched his focus completely to Peep, tilting his head slightly saying," I'm fine, kitten" ‎Getting closer to Peep, "Can I have a kiss, you smell so sweet?" He asked, holding Peep and giving him an offer he knew he couldn't refuse.

Peep flushed, stuttering and unaware how to react to his boyfriend's strange behavior

‎" yes please" he choked out, nevertheless. ‎The vampire caressed his face before kissing his lips and making Peep weak. Almost as if Diego was taking some of him with the kiss, Peep feeling the sensation and quietly enjoying it until he felt something dripping from his lip and lethargically pulled away.

"is that?" Peep said, looking down at his own blood that he wiped off his lip with his finger.

‎"I'm so sorry" Diego said cautiously as he realized what he had done.Peep looked down for a moment before, to Diego's surprise, wiping the remaining blood from his lip onto his hand and offering it to him, Diego consuming it in a single lick from a reptile-like tongue and making a shiver run up Peep's spine.‎ "It's okay", Peep said softly "I get it".He looked at him innocently, " you said you like my blood?"

"just, promise you won't take too much?" Peep asked.

Diego gave him a sweet smile, " you know I'm always gentle with you, baby". He placed a warm kiss on his neck and then bit down, sinking his teeth into the delicate skin. He tried to keep his promise, being as gentle with Peep as possible and holding his hand as he extracted the deep red liquid from his neck.

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